Hello Neighbors,
Election Results
At the rescheduled annual meeting, which occurred on February 28, 2023, the following residents were elected to the Board:
Kellie Meade
Glenn Watts
Thank you to all residents who offered to volunteer their time by running for a position on the Board.
Pool Tree Work
Weather permitting, there will be tree work happening this coming week at the pool in preparation for the upcoming pool season. The aged and overgrown pine trees behind the pool pavilion will be getting removed and will be replaced with 22 new arborvitaes. The arborvitaes will act as a green screen and run along the length of the metal fence behind the pavilion. Additionally, additional plantings will be getting installed around the pavilion as well. Please see the sketch below.

Neighborhood Trash Collection Service
The Board still does not have any updates with regards to timing around the implementation of our trash service to one day a week. We do not yet know when the change will be implemented, nor do we know our scheduled day-of-week for service. However, we will certainly keep everyone informed as we learn more, and with the intent of giving everyone as much time as possible to prepare. Thank you all for your extended patience.
Next Board Meeting – March 28, 2023, 7pm
The Association holds monthly Board meetings on the 4th Tuesday of every month (with the exception of December.) The meetings start at 7pm and are currently held over Zoom. Due to privacy concerns and a need to verify attendance, the Board has decided not to post meeting Zoom links in a public forum. Rather, all residents interested in attending a Board meeting should reach out to Tim Mulford ([email protected]), and Tim will provide the appropriate Zoom link once available.
Our next meeting is Tuesday, March 28, 2023.
Neighborhood Web Site
This email communication as well all as previous HOA emails are always cross-posted in the “News” section of the Washingtonian Woods Web Site (www.washwoods.org). Neighbors are encouraged to reference our web site as it contains helpful links, documentation, and neighborhood information.
We hope everyone is staying safe and well!
Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA