Meeting Notice: May 10 @ 7PM | Public Meeting to Review Proposal for Belward Farm

Hello Neighbors,

Please see the following notice regarding a public meeting to review proposal for Belward Farm Phase 1 build-out. The meeting is scheduled for May 10 at 7PM. If interesting in attending, please RSVP to [email protected] by 5PM, May 9.

Additionally, more information can always be found at the Sensible CCT Facebook Page:

We hope everyone is staying safe and well!

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Kentucky Derby Party | Neighborhood Campout | Pool Season is Here!

Hello Neighbors,

The Washingtonian Woods Social Committee would like you let you know of two social events coming up this Month:

Kentucky Derby Party
Washingtonian Woods Clubhouse, Upper Level
Saturday, May 7th
5:30pm – 9:00pm

Adults! Break out the hats and the bow ties, and stir up some Mint Juleps, it’s time for the Derby!

Join the Social Committee for the Kentucky Derby live, some friendly wagers, games and appetizers. Bring some CASH to participate in games, horse races and Left-Right-Center. We will have blind bets as well!

Dress to Impress – Prizes to be awarded for best dressed and/or hat.

Soda and Mixers will be provided.

More information on the Kentucky Derby Party can be found here.

Annual Washingtonian Woods Neighborhood Camp-Out
Friday, May 13th, 6pm
Washingtonian Woods Park at 341 Upshire Circle

After several years off due to the COVID pandemic, our neighborhood campout is back this spring! Please join your friends and neighbors for our Annual Neighborhood Camp-out this Friday, May 13th at the Washingtonian Woods Park at 341 Upshire Circle  (next to the big playground and tennis courts.)

Tent set-up will begin at 6:00pm in the field next to playground in the big park. This is a bring your own everything (BYOE) event; please plan to pitch your own tent, bring drinks, snacks, bug spray, etc. Please make sure all camping equipment is cleaned up by 11am Saturday morning. And, please help keep the park clean and plan to take out any trash you bring in.

Please help us spread the word, and we hope to see you all there!

More information on the Neighborhood Campout can be found here.

Food Trucks
The most recent Food Truck schedule can be found here.

Pool Pass Applications
If you haven’t already done so, please take a moment to complete your 2022 Pool Pass application (download .PDF) and return to Tim Mulford at PMP no later than Friday, May 13th to ensure that you and your family will be able to access the pool on Opening Day.

Next Board Meeting – May 31, 2022, 7pm
The Association holds monthly Board meetings on the 4th Tuesday of every month (with the exception of December.) The meetings start at 7pm and are usually held in the upper level of the clubhouse. However, due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the Board meetings are occurring over Zoom until further notice.

Due to privacy concerns and a need to verify attendance, the Board has decided not to post meeting Zoom links in a public forum. Rather, all residents interested in attending a Board meeting should reach out to Tim Mulford ([email protected]), and Tim will provide the appropriate Zoom link once available. We thank you for your patience and understanding, and we hope to be back to in-person meetings sometime soon.

Please note that the May meeting has been rescheduled back one week — Our next meeting is Tuesday, May 31, 2022.

Neighborhood Web Site
This email communication as well all previous HOA emails are always cross-posted in the “News” section of the Washingtonian Woods Web Site ( Neighbors are encouraged to reference our web site as it contains helpful links, documentation, and neighborhood information.

We hope everyone is staying safe and well!

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Election Results | Pool Mailing | Change to Trash Service

Hello Neighbors,

Election Results
At the rescheduled annual meeting, which occurred on February 22, 2022, the following residents were elected to the Board:

Kathleen McCann
Stephanie Benz

Thank you to all residents who offered to volunteer their time by running for a position on the Board.

2022 Pool Mailing, Swim Team Calendar, Tentative Social Event Calendar
Please keep an eye out for the annual pool mailing. Included will be pool hours, rules & regulations, pool pass application, swim team calendar, and tentative Neighborhood Social Events calendar. They should be arriving in your (snail) mailboxes within the next few days.

Change to Neighborhood Trash Collection Service
The Board would like to take this opportunity to inform all residents of the Washingtonian Woods single family homes, of a notable upcoming change to our neighborhood trash collection service. Later on this spring, our service will be reduced to a single pickup per week (day of week still to be determined), and all residents will be provided with an 96-gallon toter trash can that will be required for pickup.

This change is related to several things: steady annual increase in service cost, and the waste collection industry adopting the use of trash trucks with automated lifts.

The Board did not take this change lightly, and explored all viable alternative options. However, this paradigm is quickly becoming the norm for the industry, and options to keep two pickups per week were no longer economically feasible. It is the Board’s hope that the larger provided trash can will help offset the reduced frequency of pickup. Residents wishing to have additional toters may make that request directly with the contractor, and they will be provided for an additional fee.

As more specific details become available around timing and implementation of the change, we will be sure to provide updates. In the meantime, any residents wishing to discuss this change, or any other matters, are welcome to attend our next Board meeting, date and time listed below.

Next Board Meeting – March 22, 2022, 7pm
The Association holds monthly Board meetings on the 4th Tuesday of every month (with the exception of December.) The meetings start at 7pm and are usually held in the upper level of the clubhouse. However, due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the Board meetings are occurring over Zoom until further notice.

Due to privacy concerns and a need to verify attendance, the Board has decided not to post meeting Zoom links in a public forum. Rather, all residents interested in attending a Board meeting should reach out to Tim Mulford ([email protected]), and Tim will provide the appropriate Zoom link once available. We thank you for your patience and understanding, and we hope to be back to in-person meetings sometime soon.

Our next meeting is Tuesday, March 22, 2022.

Neighborhood Web Site
This email communication as well all previous HOA emails are always cross-posted in the “News” section of the Washingtonian Woods Web Site ( Neighbors are encouraged to reference our web site as it contains helpful links, documentation, and neighborhood information.

We hope everyone is staying safe and well!

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Reminder: Upcoming Social Events | Washingtonian Woods Gives Back | Neighborhood Caroling

Hello Neighbors,

The Washingtonian Woods Social Committee would like to let you know about and invite you to the following upcoming social events.

Washingtonian Woods Gives Back
Saturday, December 11th, from 10:00am -1:00pm
Washingtonian Woods Clubhouse
We are excited to bring back our annual Washingtonian Woods Gives Back holiday gift giving program. This year we are again partnering with KINDH (Kids In Need During Holidays) and helping to provide children in Montgomery County with a memorable holiday experience.

We will be adopting 12 families whose parents/guardians have submitted wish lists to the KINDH organization. There are still a few slot available:  For those wishing to participate, please click this link for instructions and to see a list of requested gifts.

Wrapped gift drop off will be on Saturday, December 11th from 10:00am -1:00pm at the Washingtonian Woods clubhouse. Masks must be worn at drop off. Please contact Marcie Blackman ([email protected]) or Rhonda Haley ([email protected]) if you have any questions.

Thanks for helping to make this a special holiday season for these families.

Neighborhood Caroling
Friday, December 17th
Monday, December 13th (practice session)

Our neighborhood caroling event will take place Friday evening, December 17th.

There will be a caroling practice from 6:30pm – 7:30pm Monday, December 13, in the driveway of Jim Camlek and Marylou Berg’s house at 115 Upshire Circle. Come out for some Christmas cookies, hot beverages and cheer! Still looking for a choral ringer, so if you have some singing experience, we’d love to hear from you. We hope to see you Monday! Don’t forget to please wear a mask while singing.

Final Food Truck of 2021
Friday, December 10th from 3-7pm!
Washingtonian Woods Clubhouse
We have come to our final food truck of the year! BrickNFire is excited to be back on Friday, December 10th from 3-7pm! Below is the online ordering link for our location:

All online orders will be priority that evening, but they will be accepting walk up orders all night that they will fit around the already scheduled orders. So, order online and choose your time- or get there on the early side to order in person. When they are out they’re out.

Next Board Meeting – January 26, 2022, 7pm
The Association holds monthly Board meetings on the 4th Tuesday of every month (with the exception of December.) The meetings start at 7pm and are usually held in the upper level of the clubhouse. However, due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the Board meetings are occurring over Zoom until further notice.

Due to privacy concerns and a need to verify attendance, the Board has decided not to post meeting Zoom links in a public forum. Rather, all residents interested in attending a Board meeting should reach out to Tim Mulford ([email protected]), and Tim will provide the appropriate Zoom link once available. We thank you for your patience and understanding, and we hope to be back to in-person meetings sometime soon.

We hope everyone is staying safe and well!

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Chanukah Fire Truck Parade | Neighborhood Caroling | Washingtonian Woods Gives Back

Hello Neighbors,

The Washingtonian Woods Social Committee would like to let you know about and invite you to the following upcoming social events.

The Annual Chanukah Fire Truck Parade
Tuesday, November 30th, 7:15pm
Washingtonian Woods Clubhouse
The Annual Chanukah Fire Truck Parade is scheduled for Tuesday, November 30th this year! The truck will make a stop at the Washingtonian Woods clubhouse at approximately 7:15 p.m. The Washingtonian Woods Social Committee invites neighbors of all ages to join us for a Chanukah celebration outside of the clubhouse before the firetruck arrives! We will have hot chocolate and treats! Hope to see to you all there for this festive event!

Washingtonian Woods Gives Back
Saturday, December 11th, from 10:00am -1:00pm
Washingtonian Woods Clubhouse
We are excited to bring back our annual Washingtonian Woods Gives Back holiday gift giving program. This year we are again partnering with KINDH (Kids In Need During Holidays) and helping to provide children in Montgomery County with a memorable holiday experience.

We will be adopting 12 families whose parents/guardians have submitted wish lists to the KINDH organization. For those wishing to participate, please click this link for instructions and to see a list of requested gifts.

Wrapped gift drop off will be on Saturday, December 11th from 10:00am -1:00pm at the Washingtonian Woods clubhouse. Masks must be worn at drop off. Please contact Marcie Blackman ([email protected]) or Rhonda Haley ([email protected]) if you have any questions.

Thanks for helping to make this a special holiday season for these families.

Neighborhood Caroling
Our neighborhood caroling event will take place Friday evening, December 17th, with a practice scheduled for the week prior. More details to follow.

We hope everyone is staying safe and well, and wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Annual Neighborhood Fall Fest! | Spooky Trail | Halloween House Decorating Contest | Word Search

Hello Neighbors,

Well, it’s that time of year again, and The Washingtonian Woods Social Committee has been working hard on keeping our neighborhood’s great Halloween spirit alive and well during this 2021 Halloween season. Please see below for the specifics and details on the events that make up this year’s neighborhood Fall Festival:

Halloween House Decorating Contest
Friday, October 29 between 7:00pm and 9:00pm
Show your Halloween spirit and decorate your house for the annual Washingtonian Woods Halloween House Decorating Contest! Judges will be driving around for the annual neighborhood House Decorating Contest to pick their top three choices. Winners will be announced on Saturday during the Festival.

Halloween Word Search
Saturday, October 30 through Sunday, October 31
Search for letters hidden around the neighborhood and unscramble them to figure out what the letters all spell. When you find a letter, snap a photo with either you, your child, or your pet next to it and text the following to Erica Adler (703-508-9790): Your full name (or your child’s name), the photos of the letters, the age group you are submitting for, and the word you think the letters spell. Submissions are due by Monday, November 1 at 12:00 noon.

Fall Festival
When: Saturday, October 30th, 3:00pm – 6:00pm
Where: Washingtonian Woods Park and Clubhouse
RSVP: To pre-register and reserve your spot, please click here
Waiver Required

The Fall Festival will be from 3:00pm to 6:00pm, everyone must register ALL family members to attend. There will be two check-in tables, one at the beginning of the Spooky Trail and one at the clubhouse. You can pre-register here and pick-up wristbands at check in. If you don’t pre-register then you will have to sign a hard copy of the waiver form at one of the check-in tables.

The festival will include a spooky trail, giant inflatable slide, games, arts and crafts, cake walk, jack o’lantern decorating contest, and food trucks! Costumes are of course welcomed but not required. All activities will be held in the clubhouse parking lot except for the spooky trail.

Spooky Trail (3pm – 6pm)
The Spooky Trail will start near the bridge at the far end of the grassy area where the pond empties into the creek, and proceed up the trail to the Clubhouse, ending in the Clubhouse parking lot. The trail will include a few different themed areas – cemetery, ghosts, and spiders, and candy will be passed out all along the way. CLICK HERE to see the Spooky Trail Map.

Jack O’Lantern Contest
Anyone and everyone can bring a decorated/carved pumpkin to the clubhouse between 1:00pm and 2:00pm on Saturday to be considered for the contest. Anyone who attends the festival will be able to vote for their favorites between 3:00pm and 6:00pm. There will be 3 age categories, under 8, 9-13, and 14 and up.

Cake Walk
If you would like to donate a cake to the cake walk, you can drop it off between 1:00pm and 2:00pm at the clubhouse.

Disco Dance Party
When the Festival ends at 6:00pm we will have a Disco Dance Party in the parking lot.

Food Trucks
We will have two Food Trucks during the Festival – BrickNFire Pizza and My Cup Runneth Over

Volunteers Needed!
This event would not be possible without the contributions of many volunteers. Please consider lending an hour of your time to help the WW Social Committee make this another fantastic event and sign up via this link to volunteer. For those who sign up, additional details will be provided to you directly by a member of the Social Committee. Please take a moment to look at our Sign-up Genius and sign up for slot.

Thank you to the Social Committee for all of its efforts and hours of volunteer time to help keep the great Halloween spirit of Washingtonian Woods alive and well this year. We hope you and your families are all staying safe and well, and have a Happy Halloween!

Next Board Meeting – October 26, 2021, 7pm
The Association holds monthly Board meetings on the 4th Tuesday of every month (with the exception of December.) The meetings start at 7pm and are usually held in the upper level of the clubhouse. However, due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the Board meetings are occurring over Zoom until further notice.

Due to privacy concerns and a need to verify attendance, the Board has decided not to post meeting Zoom links in a public forum. Rather, all residents interested in attending a Board meeting should reach out to Tim Mulford ([email protected]), and Tim will provide the appropriate Zoom link once available. We thank you for your patience and understanding, and we hope to be back to in-person meetings sometime soon.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Extended Pool Weekend | Adult Social | Doggie Swim | Fall Social Calendar

Hello Neighbors,

Extended Pool Weekend
Normal daily pool operating hours end for the season on Labor Day, September 6th. However, the pool will once again be open for one Extended Weekend in 2021: September 10, 11, 12 (Fri, Sat, Sun). The pool schedule that weekend is as follows:

Friday September 10:                 3 pm – 9 pm
Saturday September 11:           11 am – 10 pm (8 pm – 10pm adults only, see below)
Sunday September 12:              11 am – 6 pm (Doggie Swim starts at 6 pm)

Adult Social & Pool Party

Saturday, September 11, 2021
Clubhouse and Pool
8pm – 11pm (pool open until 10pm)
Please join the social committee for an end of season adult social and pool party. Pool closes at 8 PM for non-adults, and the HOA has extended the pool hours until 10 PM to allow for the final two hours of kid-free swim.

Social Committee will supply light bites, ice and sodas/mixers. Bring several $1 bills to play some friendly games of Left Right Center. Mask will need to be worn indoors — therefore we will try to keep much of the activities outside that evening. Fingers crossed for nice weather.

Annual Neighborhood Doggie Swim
Sunday, September 12th at 6pm
Bring the pups and help us close down the pool in style, at our Annual Neighborhood Doggie Swim on Sunday, September 12th at 6pm. There’s nothing quite like the tradition of watching our canine swimmers shut down the pool for the season. Come on out and join the fun!

Fall Food Truck Schedule
Where: Clubhouse Parking Lot
Times: 5 pm – 7 pm, unless otherwise noted
As always the trucks are subject to change date/time due to availability of food, weather, and owners own prerogative. We will update as we are able to add trucks, updates will be posted on the Washingtonian Woods Facebook page.

Thursday 9/9 — Mina Tamales
Friday 9/17 —  Pop Up Poutine/Patisserie
Sunday 9/26 — CB Açaí (Brunch)
Friday 10/1 — HangryPanda
Friday 10/8 — Mina Tamales
Saturday 10/30 — BrickNFire Pizza and My Cup Runneth Over (southern/BBQ)
Friday 12/10 — BrickNFire Pizza

Upcoming Social Events
Stay tuned for details regarding Neighborhood Annual Fall Fest & Spooky Trail (Sat 10/30), Washingtonian Woods Gives Back and the annual Hanukkah Fire Truck gathering.

We hope you are all staying safe and well.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Neighborhood Blood Drive This Sunday | Upcoming Social Calendar

Hello Neighbors,

The social committee has several events coming up that we wanted you to be aware of.

Food Trucks
Food trucks will continue until October (weather permitting and truck availability dependent). Most vendors are available 5:00pm – 7:30pm. Updates on the Washingtonian Woods Facebook page.

The scheduled vendors currently are as follows:

Friday 8/13 BrickNFire Pizza
Friday 8/20 Big Greek on Wheels
Monday 8/23 the Shell Shack
Friday 8/27 The Paella & Tapas Place
Saturday 8/28. End of Summer Pool Party with food trucks 4-8pm
Friday 9/10 Big Greek on Wheels
Friday 9/17 Pop Up Poutine/Patisserie
Friday 9/24 Tacos Borrachos

Washingtonian Woods Bloodmobile
Blood donations are needed in our area. We have arranged for a blood mobile to visit the clubhouse on Sunday, August 15th 11:00am – 3:00pm.

Sign up via link to donate blood: [click here]

Volunteers are needed to greet donors at the tent when they come to check in. See the sign up genius here to reserve your space [click here].

Social Committee Meeting
Monday, August 16th 8pm
The Social Committee could use your help and ideas. Would you like to join the committee to help plan the great events we host for our amazing neighborhood?

Join us on at our next meeting Monday, August 16th at 8pm in the upper level of the Clubhouse.

Contact Kelley at [email protected] with interest/questions.

Upcoming Neighborhood Social Calendar

New Neighbor Coffee
Saturday August 21st, 9:00am – 11:00am
New and old neighbors welcome!

End of Summer Pool Party and Dive-in Movie
Saturday August 28th, 4:00pm – 10:00pm
Come enjoy the Sun and Fun and celebrate the end of summer before the kids head back to school!  Bring your pool floats, relax and enjoy the music!
– Local food trucks will be onsite from 4:00pm – 8:00pm
– PG movie (Title TBD) will play with viewing from the pool or deck, 8:30pm (lighting permitted)

More information will be forthcoming on the Neighborhood Facebook Page along with food truck list, movie announcement and volunteer help needed!

Neighborhood Adult Social
Saturday, September 11th
8:00pm – 11:00pm
Adult social in Clubhouse. More information to follow. Must be 21 to attend.

Annual Neighborhood Fall Fest
Saturday, October 30th

Stay tuned for one of the communities oldest and most loved events! Fun for kids and adults. We will host this event on Saturday 10/30 which will then allow families to trick or treat on Halloween night, Sunday 10/31.

Stay tuned for more details this fall about:

– Movie Nights
– Washingtonian Woods Gives Back
– Hanukkah Firetruck/social gathering

Neighborhood Web Site
This email communication as well all previous HOA emails are always cross-posted in the “News” section of the Washingtonian Woods Web Site ( Neighbors are encouraged to reference our web site as it contains helpful links, documentation, and neighborhood information.

We hope everyone is staying safe and well.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA


Neighborhood 4th of July Parade, BBQ and Pool Party, this Sunday July 4th

Hello Neighbors,

Just a friendly reminder that we are looking forward to seeing you for our annual 4th of July Party this Sunday starting at 12 pm!

Red, White & Blue Parade (11:30 am – 12 noon)
(Decorating starts at 10:30am; Parade starts at 11:30am)
We’ll be marching as a group from the Tot Lot at Driscoll and Upshire all the way down to the pool. Feel free to decorate your bikes and scooters beforehand, or meet at the park at 10:30am to decorate onsite (we will have some decorations on hand.) The parade starts promptly at 11:30am. If you can’t march in the parade, feel free to come out and grab a spot along the parade route to enjoy the parade and show your support.

BBQ and Pool Party (12:00 pm – 4:00 pm)
* Wristbands will be handed out as you enter the pool. Please note that each wristband serves as your ticket for Lunch and Carmen’s.
* Lunch will be provided and served by The Bean Bag Deli from 12pm – 1pm. Burgers/hotdogs and sides will be served. The Social Committee will also provide beverages and chips. The Social Committee has tried its very best to accurately plan for guest numbers. And, to help ensure that there is enough food for everyone, please know that only ONE protein will be provided per person (i.e. either a burger, a hotdog or Veggie burger.) Food will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.
* Carmen’s Italian Ice will be served from 2pm – 4pm
* Please feel free to bring additional food/drink for your family to enjoy.
* No glass bottles permitted on pool deck.
* No food or drink allowed in the water.
* Due to COVID, there will be no baby pool games this year. However, we will have water balloon toss starting at 1:30pm and a belly flop competition immediately following. Everyone is welcome to participate! Sign- up sheets for the games will be posted in the pool area.
* Please, please, please clean-up your area when finished!
*The pool party and BBQ is a private event, exclusively for members of the neighborhood, their families, as well as outside members of the pool.

Finally, we can’t make all of this happen without volunteers! There are many ways to help and we still have many slots that need to be filled. Please take a moment to look at the available slots and sign up today!

Thank you all for your support, and we look forward to seeing you there!
The Washingtonian Woods Social Committee

Annual Neighborhood 4th of July Parade, BBQ and Pool Party, Sunday July 4th!

Hello Neighbors,

The Washingtonian Woods Board and Social Committee have been hard at work monitoring the latest in State, County and local guidelines, in continued efforts to plan and coordinate safe neighborhood festivities and gatherings. And, we are pleased to announce that after a year hiatus, the Annual Washingtonian Woods 4th of July Parade, BBQ and Pool Party will be held once again this year! This year’s festivities will be held on Sunday, July 4th.

Please see below for our Schedule of Events:

Red, White & Blue Parade (11:30 am – 12 noon)
(Decorating starts at 10:30am; Parade starts at 11:30am)
Time to don your proudest red, white & blue, and decorate those bicycles, strollers, big wheels, scooters, wagons and pets! We’ll be marching as a group from the Tot Lot at Driscoll and Upshire all the way down to the pool. Feel free to decorate your bikes and scooters beforehand, or meet at the park at 10:30am to decorate onsite (we will have some decorations on hand.) The parade starts promptly at 11:30am. If you can’t march in the parade, feel free to come out and grab a spot along the parade route to enjoy the parade and show your support.

Neighbors are also encouraged to fly your American flags!

Parade Route
This year’s parade route will start again at the Tot Lot near Upshire Circle and Driscoll Way, and will mostly run along Midsummer Drive. If you happen to live along the 300, 400, and 500 blocks of Midsummer Drive, we kindly ask that you avoid on-street parking during the parade window of 11am – 12 noon, if possible. Please see below for this year’s parade route.

BBQ and Pool Party (12 pm – 4 pm)
Food, Games and Music 12pm – 4pm
We are excited to partner with the Bean Bag Deli who will cater our traditional 4th of July celebration this year! Lunch will be served from 12pm -1pm and include hamburgers/cheeseburgers, hotdogs, veggie burgers, mac and cheese, and baked beans. Chips and drinks will also be provided. From 2pm – 4pm, Carmen’s will be serving Italian Ice and Custard!

Games will include water balloon toss, belly-flop contests, and more! Come on out and join the fun!

Please note: the pool party and BBQ is a private event, exclusively for members of the neighborhood, their families, as well as outside members of the pool.

Finally, we can’t make all of this happen without volunteers! There are many ways to help and we still have many slots that need to be filled. Please take a moment to look at the available slots and sign up today!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Marcie Blackman via email at: [email protected] or Rhonda Haley at: [email protected].

Happy Birthday, America! Hope to see you all there!

Gaithersburg SummerFest and Fireworks
Unfortunately, due to uncertainty about gatherings during the extensive advance planning stages, SummerFest and its traditional fireworks display could not be coordinated in time for 4th of July weekend. Fireworks & stage entertainment are being planned for the Sunday of Labor Day weekend, September 5, replacing the traditional Labor Day Parade this year only. More details will be available later this summer. You can learn more about this spectacular event at the City’s SummerFest web page.

Neighborhood Web Site
This email communication as well all previous HOA emails are always cross-posted in the “News” section of the Washingtonian Woods Web Site ( Neighbors are encouraged to reference our web site as it contains helpful links, documentation, and neighborhood information.

We hope everyone is staying safe and well.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA