Category Archives: News

2019 Pool Season Opens Tomorrow! | Food Truck Fridays | Social Calendar

Hello Neighbors,

Well, summer is almost officially here and our neighorhood pool opens at 11 AM tomorrow morning for the season!

Pool Passes
Back in April, all neighbors should have received a packet with information on the pool hours, rules & regulations, as well as applications for pool passes. If anyone still has a need to apply for 2019 pool passes, this document can be found on our web site and downloaded here.

Daily Pool Hours
The Board received many positive comments last year about the extended pool hours that were put in place for the second half of the season last year. The Board has decided to incorporate extended pool hours for the entirety of the 2019 pool season, and as such, has modified the daily pool hours this year to accommodate the pool staying open until 9pm Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings all season long. The official daily pool hours are now as follows:

Monday through Thursday: 11 am – 8 pm
Friday: 11 am – 9 pm
Saturday: 11 am – 9 pm
Sunday: 11 am – 9 pm

Please note that the pool will periodically close early, or open late to accommodate several swim meets throughout the season. You may find a full pool schedule on our community web site here.

Food Truck Fridays
The Board and Social Committee have also decided to expand our number of Food Truck Fridays at the pool this year. Food trucks will be at the pool between 5:30pm and 7:30pm on several Friday evenings throughout the summer. The full schedule is as follows:

6/7 Holy Crepes
6/15 Timber Pizza (for kick off to summer pool party)
6/21 Say Cheese
7/12 Rocklands BBQ
8/9 London Chippy
8/16 Say Cheese
8/23 Holy Crepes

We hope to add even more food trucks to the calendar. We will also post this schedule at the pool. So, please keep your eyes peeled.

2019 Social Calendar
The Social Committee has many other exciting neighborhood activities planned throughout the rest of the year. More details on each to follow. In the meantime, please mark your calendars!

Kickoff to Summer Party, June 15th, 2019
Fourth of July Neighborhood Parade & Pool Party, July 4th 2019
New Neighbor Coffee, August 17, 2019
End of Summer Pool Party, August 24, 2019
Adult Happy Hour and Pool Party, September 7th, 2019
Movie Nights, Sept/Oct
Fall Fest & Candy Hill, October 27, 2019
Washingtonian Woods Gives Back, December 1, 2019
Washingtonian Woods Christmas Caroling, December 2019
Hanukkah Party, December 23, 2019

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Spring Inspections | Guidelines Update

Hello Neighbors,

Annual Spring Property Inspections
Annual compliance reviews are scheduled to begin in mid-May for all owners of single family homes in Washingtonian Woods. These inspections are to verify that every property is in full compliance with the Association’s governing documents, and the reviews are conducted during this time of year in order to give everyone an opportunity to make necessary corrections and repairs during the best possible weather conditions. Please note the Annual Compliance Review is in addition to regular drive through visits. The reviews are done from the streets and common areas, and may include photos. Please be aware, no one will be coming onto your property.

Below is a partial check-list for your reference:
• All roof shingles and exterior siding are in place
• All exterior brick, stone, and siding is clean and free of stains
• All exterior trim, features, and cornice are in place and in good shape
• Exterior lighting is functioning and in good shape
• Garage doors are in good shape
• All shutters are in place, the same color and not faded
• Mailboxes are straight and have the address present
• Mulch beds are free of weeds
• Plant material and trees (including branches), are in good shape
• Fence, if applicable, is in good shape
• Deck, if applicable, is in good shape

If you receive a compliance notice, and need additional time to address the condition, please contact PMP at 301-963-3337 or [email protected], to request an extension.

Your efforts in keeping Washingtonian Woods an attractive and appealing community in which to live are very much appreciated.

Architectural Guidelines, 2019 Updates
At the April 2, 2019 Board meeting the Board of Directors approved some minor updates to the Architectural Guidelines: 1) the telephone number for PMP was corrected throughout, and 2) the following language was added to pages 2 and 3 to clarify the differences between repairs and replacements:

All replacements, changes and upgrades require an Architectural Change Application form. All replacements, upgrades and additions must be formally considered by the HOA Board of Directors. An Architectural Change Application is required for each change and major replacement — this includes garage doors, fences, roofs, siding and window replacements, even if the material and product is “like and kind”.

Repairs are different than changes and replacements. For example, if part of your siding becomes damaged, you may repair that section with matching “like and kind” pieces. However, if you choose to replace all of your siding, that would constitute a major replacement, and would require a completed Architectural Change Application form. Additionally, other major replacement projects such as garage doors, roofs, windows, decks, fences, walkways, and stoops also each require a completed Architectural Change Application form.

The updated document can be found our neighborhood web site, here.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Reminder Tonight: Washingtonian Woods Neighborhood Super Bowl Party | 6pm, Upper Level of Clubhouse

Hello Neighbors,

Washingtonian Woods Neighborhood Super Bowl Party, Potluck and Chili Cook-off
Reminder, tonight: Please join us for the Washingtonian Woods Super Bowl Potluck Party & Chili Competition! (Hosted by the WW Social Committee)

Date: Sunday, February 3, 2019
Time: 6 PM EST (Kickoff at 6:30)
Location: Washingtonian Woods Clubhouse

What to bring: We ask that each family attending please bring a snack, appetizer, or dessert to share, and any other food or beverages that you would like to enjoy during the game.

Feeling competitive? Bring a pot of chili- prizes will be awarded

We will be providing plenty of ice, soda, water, plates, napkins, utensils, and condiments for the chili. Hope to see you there!

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Washingtonian Woods Holiday Gift Giving Program | Fall Loose Leaf Collection | City Park Update

Hello Neighbors,

Washingtonian Woods Holiday Gift Giving Program
Please join us for Washingtonian Woods’ annual holiday gift giving program to benefit families in the City of Gaithersburg. We will be collecting teen gift bag items for Montgomery County residents in need this holiday season. Please join us in the Upper Level of the Clubhouse on Sunday, November 25th for an Open House from 4pm – 6pm. We will collect donations and provide pizza, light fare and beverages. If you are unable to attend, but would still like to donate gifts, please click here for more details.

Date:  Sunday, November 25, 2018
Time:  4:00pm – 6:00pm
Where:  Washingtonian Woods Clubhouse, Upper Level
What to Bring:  Please click here for more details.
Pizza and Drinks for the kids
Appetizers and Beverages for the adults

Fall Loose Leaf Collection
Fall loose leaf collection is now underway for single family and townhouse owners. Place your leaves at the street curb by 7 a.m. on your regular recycling day. Note that leaves placed in alleys or mews will not be collected. The weekly collection continues through the last week of December, weather permitting. Any time during the year you can bag your leaves in biodegradable brown bags and leave them curbside with your other recyclables.

New City Park Update 
In 2013, the City acquired property along Rt. 28 that was formerly occupied by the Consumer Product Safety Commission. An ad hoc advisory committee provided concept ideas to the Mayor and City Council in 2016 and the following year a landscape architect was hired. Among the proposed features are a nature play space and tot lot, community gardens and a cycle track. There is also an existing warehouse building that was planned to be converted for multi-purpose use. At a Work Session on October 22, 2018, the Mayor and City Council discussed the difficulties with renovating the existing building, its funding, and overall timing. Several options were proposed and alternatives will be explored in the coming months. Review the history of the project here.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Washingtonian Woods Fall Fest | Costume Parade | Halloween House Decorating Contest

Hello Neighbors,

Falling leaves and cool weather, signs that the Washingtonian Woods’ annual Halloween traditions are right around the corner!

Annual Washingtonian Woods Fall Festival
The Annual Washingtonian Woods Fall Festival will be held Sunday, October 28th @ 3:30pm at Washingtonian Woods Park.

Schedule of Events
– Games & Music @ 3:30 pm
– Costume Parade @ 4:30pm
– Candy Hill for 3rd-5th & 6th-8th graders @ 4:45pm
– Candy Hill for 0-4yrs & K-2nd  @ 5:00pm

Visit our neighborhood Facebook page for inclement weather event updates.

Volunteers Needed!
Calling all volunteers! We need your help! Please take a moment to look at our Sign-up Genius and sign up for slot.

Halloween House Decorating Contest
Show your Halloween spirit and decorate your house for the annual Washingtonian Woods Halloween House Decorating Contest! Judging will begin at 6pm on Saturday, Oct. 27th. Winners announced on Sunday, October 28th – Prizes (Amazon Gift Cards) for 1st, 2nd, 3rd.

Upcoming Social Event – Washingtonian Woods Gives Back
Stay turned for further details about Washingtonian Woods Gives Back, our community service project. More information in coming weeks with toy collection at the end of November.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Outdoor Movie Night this Saturday, 7pm | “The Greatest Showman”

Hello Neighbors,

Our “Neighborhood Movie Night” series continues this Saturday night, October 6th, at Candy Hill (i.e the neighborhood sledding hill directly across the street from Washingtonian Woods Park located at 341 Upshire Circle.)

This week’s movie is:  “The Greatest Showman”. Movie starts at 7pm, pending weather. Please visit for inclement weather updates.

More about Neighborhood Movie Night: On several weekend evenings in the Fall and Spring (when the weather is cool, yet comfortable) we plan to show outdoor movies on Candy Hill (341 Upshire Circle.) Neighbors are encouraged to bring jackets, blankets, pillows, snacks, bug spray, and any other items you wish to enjoy the show! Candy Hill has a natural grade and should allow good amphitheater-style viewing!

We have many new families in the neighborhood, please reach out to your new neighbors and invite them to join the fun. Hope to see you there!

Upcoming Social Event – Annual Washingtonian Woods Fall Fest
Save the Date for the Annual Washingtonian Woods Fall Fest, Candy Hill, Halloween Parade, Sunday October 28th. Details to follow…

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Adult Fall Happy Hour Tonight!

Hello Neighbors,

Adult Fall Happy Hour
Friday September 21st from 7-10pm at the clubhouse.

Please join the social committee for an adults only happy hour tonight at the Clubhouse. We will provide appetizers including sushi, wings, cheese and mezze platters. The organizers are making a tasty mulled cider. We’ll have non-alcoholic mixers, please feel free to bring your own spirits and libations.

We’ll play Left Right Center about 9pm, bring singles (3 $1 bills) to play.

See you all there!

Fall Fest Kick-off and Planning Meeting
Also, please feel free to join the Social Committee on Monday, September 24, 7:30pm at the upper clubhouse for a kick-off meeting to start planning the Annual Neighborhood Fall Fest.  Adult refreshments and snacks provided.  We welcome new ideas and extra hands.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

1st Annual Labor Day Weekend Neighborhood Camp Out this Saturday!

Hello Neighbors,

Grab Your Graham Crackers – 1st Annual Labor Day Weekend Camp Out this Saturday*!
Help us kick-off a great tradition by joining friends and neighbors for the 1st annual Washingtonian Woods Camp Out this Saturday*, September 1st at the Washingtonian Woods Park at 341 Upshire Circle (next to big playground). Campsite setup will begin at 3:30 PM, first come/ first serve, and all gear will need to be clear by 11:00 AM on Sunday, September 2nd.

This will be a bring your own everything (BYOE) event…the HOA will provide the campsite, campfires, and use of port-o-pots for bathrooms. Due to City of Gaithersburg park restrictions, we will provide campfires across the street on HOA-owned property (i.e. Candy Hill).

Also, if camping please respect neighbors and fellow campers. Quiet time will start at 10:30pm.

*Weather permitting – please pay attention to weather forecasts and watch for updates from HOA. Storms are possible for this weekend. No rain date at this time.

**Trash in / Trash out event. Please help keep the park clean and plan to take out any trash you bring in.

Please help us spread the word, and we hope to see you all there. We hope that this will be the beginning of a great neighborhood tradition!

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

End of Summer Raft Party and Dive-In Movie! | Book of Life | Saturday, August 25th, 4pm until 10pm

Hello Neighbors,

WHAT:  Washingtonian Woods End of Summer Raft Party & Dive-In Movie
WHEN:  Saturday, August 25th, 4:00 pm – 10:00 pm

The Washingtonian Woods Social Committee is hosting the neighborhood’s annual End-of-Summer Pool Party and Dive-In Movie at the Club House this Saturday, August 25th. The party will begin at 4pm. The Social Committee/HOA is providing pizza, soda, water, and juice boxes from 5:00pm to 6:30pm, and then Jean Bullock will host an ice cream bar at 6:30pm. Coolers are permitted (no glass), and rafts/pool floats will also be allowed for the duration of the party.

Once the sun goes down we will be showing the “Book of Life” on the big movie screen. Feel free to float on your rafts and enjoy the show!

Volunteers Needed
We do need a few volunteers to make this party a success. Please consider donating 30-60 minutes of your time for set up, serving food, or clean-up, and sign up here to help.

Please help us spread the word, and we hope to see you all there!

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

New Neighbor Coffee This Saturday | Save the Dates!

Hello Neighbors,

New Neighbor Coffee
Saturday, August 18th from 9am – 11am!
Clubhouse, Upper Level

Are you new(ish) to Washingtonian Woods? Please come join us for a Welcome Coffee on Saturday, August 18th from 9 -11 am! The entire neighborhood is welcome and encouraged to stop by and introduce yourself to those who have joined us in 2018!

Family friendly, coffee, juice, water, bagels and fruit will be provided.

Upcoming Save The Dates
More to follow on each, as dates get closer:

  • End of Summer Pool Party, August 25, 2018
  • Labor Day Neighborhood Camp-Out, September 1, 2018
  • Adult Pool Party & Happy Hour, September 7, 2018

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA