Category Archives: News

Washingtonian Woods Holiday Gift Giving Program | Holiday Caroling | Hanukkah Truck | Fall Loose Leaf Collection

Hello Neighbors,

Washingtonian Woods Holiday Gift Giving Program
Please join us for Washingtonian Woods’ annual holiday gift giving program to benefit families in the City of Gaithersburg. We will be collecting teen gift bag items for Montgomery County residents in need this holiday season. Please join us in the Upper Level of the Clubhouse on Sunday, December 1st for an Open House from 3:30pm – 6pm. We will collect donations and provide pizza, light fare and beverages. If you are unable to attend, but would still like to donate gifts, please click here for more details.

Date:  Sunday, December 1, 2019
Time:  3:30pm – 6:00pm
Where:  Washingtonian Woods Clubhouse, Upper Level
What to Bring:  Please click here for more details.
Pizza, snacks and drinks will be provided to all helpers!

Neighborhood Holiday Caroling
It’s almost time for the second annual Washingtonian Woods Neighborhood Caroling event! Anyone who enjoys a little “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” with your holiday cookies and hot cider is welcome to come join us. The first practice will be from 7-8:30 pm Thursday, Dec. 5, at the home of Marc and Melissa Egan, 228 Midsummer Circle. We’ll meet up a week later in the Upper Clubhouse for a second practice and will aim to amble around the neighborhood the weekend of Dec. 13/14. Mark your calendar and join in on the neighborhood fun!

Hanukkah Fire Truck
The annual Hanukkah Fire Truck and Celebration is expected to be December 23rd around 7pm. We will confirm the date and time nearer the event. Join us (all faiths! All welcome) to have hot chocolate and donuts, play a game of Dreidel and socialize with neighbors before the fire truck arrives.

Fall Loose Leaf Collection
Fall loose leaf collection is now underway for single family and townhouse owners. Place your leaves at the street curb by 7 a.m. on your regular recycling day. The weekly collection continues through the last week of December, weather permitting. Any time during the year you can bag your leaves in biodegradable brown bags and leave them curbside with your other recyclables.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

This Weekend: Fall Fest | Candy Hill | Costume Parade | Halloween House Decorating Contest

Hello Neighbors,

Just a reminder that the neighborhood Fall Festival, featuring Games, Halloween Parade and Candy Hill is this Sunday 10/27 at 3:00pm in Washingtonian Woods Park.

The Social Committee is still actively looking for plenty volunteers to help ensure this event’s success. Please take a moment to look at this Sign-up Genius to see how you can still help. It would be much appreciated!

More details on the event can be found here. Please be sure to visit the neighborhood Facebook page for inclement weather updates.

Halloween House Decorating Contest
Show your Halloween spirit and decorate your house for the annual Washingtonian Woods Halloween House Decorating Contest! Please have your house ready for judging by Friday (10/25) at 6pm. Prizes will be awarded.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Fall Fest | Candy Hill | Costume Parade | Halloween House Decorating Contest

Hello Neighbors,

Falling leaves and cool weather are signs that the Washingtonian Woods’ annual Halloween traditions are right around the corner!

Annual Washingtonian Woods Fall Festival
The Annual Washingtonian Woods Fall Festival will be held Sunday, October 27th from 3:00pm – 5:00pm at Washingtonian Woods Park (the big playground near the tennis courts) at 341 Upshire Circle.

There will be games, a jumping castle, a parade, and of course, Candy Hill! Also, we have a surprise this year — a donut truck will be visiting!

Please be sure to visit our neighborhood Facebook page as we get closer to the event for inclement weather event updates.

Volunteers Needed!
To make all of this possible we need your help. Please consider signing up to volunteer. For those who sign up, additional details will be provided to you directly by a member of the social committee. Please take a moment to look at our Sign-up Genius and sign up for slot.

Halloween House Decorating Contest
Show your Halloween spirit and decorate your house for the annual Washingtonian Woods Halloween House Decorating Contest! Please have your house ready for judging by Friday (10/25) at 6pm. Prizes will be awarded.

Get B00-ed!
Keep the Halloween spirit going all season.  Feel free to Boo! someone (by leaving this flyer and a treat on a neighbor’s doorstep), or keep it going when you get Boo-ed!  You can download a Boo Buddy here.

We have many new families in the neighborhood, please reach out to your new neighbors and invite them to join the fun. Hope to see you there! Happy Halloween!

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Closing Weekend of the Pool! | Adult Pool Party, Sat | Doggie Swim, Sun

Hello Neighbors,

Pool Closes this Weekend!
Just a reminder that the closing weekend of the pool is this weekend! The pool will be open on Friday from 3pm until 9pm, on Saturday from 11am until 9pm (adults only until 10pm), and on Sunday from 11am until 6pm. The Annual Doggie swim starts at 6pm.

Adult Social & Pool Party

Saturday, September 7, 2019
Please join the social committee for an end of season adult social and pool party. Pool closes at 9 PM for non-adults, but the HOA has extended the pool hours until 10 PM to allow the final hour of kid-free swim.

We will have snacks and planned pool games. As much activity as can be outside will be, weather dependent, so come dressed appropriately. The upstairs clubhouse available in case of rain.

We will provide cups, ice and mixers! Coolers welcome.

Annual Neighborhood Doggie Swim
Sunday, September 8th at 6pm
Bring the pups and help us close down the pool in style, at our Annual Neighborhood Doggie Swim on Sunday, September 8th at 6pm. There’s nothing quite like the tradition of watching our canine swimmers shut down the pool for the season. Come on out and join the fun!

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

2nd Annual Neighborhood Camp-Out this Saturday! | Adult Social & Pool Party | Annual Doggie Swim

Hello Neighbors,

2nd Annual Washingtonian Woods Neighborhood Camp-Out
Saturday, August 31st, 2019 at 4pm
?Please join your friends and neighbors for our 2nd Annual Neighborhood Camp-out this Saturday, August 31st at the Washingtonian Woods Park at 341 Upshire Circle (next to the big playground, across the street from Candy Hill.)

Tent set-up will begin at 4:00pm in the field next to playground in the big park. A few fire pits will be set-up in the field at the bottom of Candy Hill. This is a bring your own everything (BYOE) event; please plan to pitch your own tent, bring hot dogs, snacks, roasting sticks, bug spray, etc. Please make sure all camping equipment is cleaned up by 10am in Sunday morning. And, please help keep the park clean and plan to take out any trash you bring in.

Please help us spread the word, and we hope to see you all there!

Extended Pool Weekend
Normal daily pool operating hours end for the season on Labor Day, September 2nd. However, the pool will once again be open for one Extended Weekend in 2019: September 6, 7, 8 (Fri, Sat, Sun)

Adult Social & Pool Party

Saturday, September 7, 2019
Please join the social committee for an end of season adult social and pool party. Pool closes at 9 PM for non-adults, but the HOA has extended the pool hours until 10 PM to allow the final hour of kid-free swim.

We will have snacks and planned pool games. As much activity as can be outside will be, weather dependent, so come dressed appropriately. The upstairs clubhouse available in case of rain.

We will provide cups, ice and mixers! Coolers welcome.

Annual Neighborhood Doggie Swim
Sunday, September 8th at 6pm
Bring the pups and help us close down the pool in style, at our Annual Neighborhood Doggie Swim on Sunday, September 8th at 6pm. There’s nothing quite like the tradition of watching our canine swimmers shut down the pool for the season. Come on out and join the fun!

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

End of Summer Raft Party and Dive-In Movie! | How to Train Your Dragon 3 | Saturday, August 24th, 4pm until 10pm

Hello Neighbors,

WHAT:  Washingtonian Woods End of Summer Raft Party & Dive-In Movie
WHEN:  Saturday, August 24th, 4:00 pm – 10:00 pm

The Washingtonian Woods Social Committee is hosting the neighborhood’s annual End-of-Summer Pool Party and Dive-In Movie at the Club House this Saturday, August 24th. The party will begin at 4pm. The Social Committee/HOA is providing pizza, soda, water, and juice boxes from 5:00pm to 6:30pm, and then Jean Bullock will host an ice cream bar at 6:30pm. Coolers are permitted (no glass), and rafts/pool floats will also be allowed for the duration of the party.

Once the sun goes down we will be showing the “How to Train your Dragon 3: The Hidden World” on the big movie screen which will be viewable from the pool or the deck. Feel free to float on your rafts and enjoy the show!

Volunteers Needed
We do need a few volunteers to make this party a success. Please consider donating 30-60 minutes of your time for set up, serving food, or clean-up, and sign up here to help.

Please help us spread the word, and we hope to see you all there!

Kentlands / Lakelands 5k Run/Walk
The annual Kentlands / Lakelands 5k will be held on August 31. The kids run begins at 8am and the 5k race begins at 8:30 am. For those interested in learning more about the event, or wishing to sign up, you may click here for more details.

Upcoming Neighborhood Social Events
Please keep an eye out for more information on our upcoming neighborhood social events. Further details on each will be in forthcoming community emails.

Saturday August 31st
Labor Day Weekend Neighborhood Camp Out

Saturday September 7th
Adult Happy Hour and Pool Party

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Neighborhood 4th of July Parade, BBQ and Pool Party, Thursday July 4th!

Hello Neighbors,

Neighborhood 4th of July Parade, BBQ and Pool Party, this Thursday July 4th
Just a friendly reminder that the our neighborhood 4th of July Parade, BBQ and Pool Party, will be held on Thursday, July 4th!

Here is the quick run-down:

  1. The festivities start at 11am and continue until 4pm. Please click here for our full Schedule of Events.
  2. We are asking that families bring a side dish to share at the BBQ. The HOA will be providing hamburgers/cheeseburgers, hot dogs, chips, and drinks.
  3. A few volunteers are still needed. Please check out our sign-up genius and consider filling an empty slot. All help is greatly appreciated and will help ensure a successful event.
  4. This year’s parade route will start again at the Tot Lot near Upshire Circle and Driscoll Way, however this year the parade will mostly run along Midsummer Drive. If you happen to live along the 300, 400, and 500 blocks of Midsummer Drive, we kindly ask that you avoid on-street parking during the parade window of 11am – 12 noon, if possible. Please see below for this year’s parade route.

Hope to see you all there!

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Annual Neighborhood 4th of July Parade and Pool Party | Games! Food! Prizes! | SummerFest & Fireworks

Hello Neighbors,

The 3rd Annual Washingtonian Woods 4th of July Parade, BBQ and Pool Party will be held on Thursday, July 4th.

Please see below for our Schedule of Events:

Red, White & Blue Parade (11:00 am – 12 noon)

Time to don your proudest red, white & blue, and decorate those bicycles, strollers, big wheels, scooters, wagons and pets! We’ll be marching as a group from the Tot Lot at Driscoll and Upshire all the way down to the pool. Feel free to decorate your bikes and scooters beforehand, or meet at the park at 11:00am to decorate onsite (we will have some decorations on hand.) The parade starts promptly at 11:30am. If you can’t march in the parade, feel free to come out and grab a spot along the parade route to enjoy the parade and show your support.

All neighbors are also encouraged to fly your American flags!

BBQ and Pool Party (12 pm – 4 pm)
Food, Games, Prizes 12pm – 4pm
Hamburgers/cheeseburgers, hot dogs, chips, and drinks will be provided from approximately 12PM-1PM. We are encouraging neighbors to bring side dishes for all to share. To participate in the Potluck and receive a wristband, please bring one of the following: a side dish to share, dessert (cookies, brownies, etc.), or an entry for the dessert contest. Side dishes could include, but are not limited to: potato salad, deviled eggs, sliced watermelon, macaroni salad, tossed salad, etc. Please, no chips, as they will be provided by the social committee.

Games will include relay races, pie-eating contests, water balloon toss, belly-flop contests, and more! Prizes for the winners! Come on out and join the fun!

This year, we will be adding a dessert contest to our celebration! Whip up your favorite 4th of July dessert and win a prize! The desserts will be judged during cleanup and enjoyed by party goers as the last event of the day. If you plan to make a dessert, please deliver your entry to the lower level of the pool clubhouse no later than 1:30PM.

Please note: the pool party and BBQ is a private event, exclusively for members of the neighborhood, their families, as well as outside members of the pool.

Finally, we can’t make all of this happen without volunteers! There are many ways to help and we still have many slots that need to be filled. Please take a moment to look at the available slots and sign up today!

Happy Birthday, America! Hope to see you all there!

Gaithersburg SummerFest and Fireworks
Also, the City of Gaithersburg’s Annual SummerFest, Fireworks Display and SummerGlo After Party will be held this Saturday evening (June 29th) starting at 5pm. You can learn more about this spectacular event at the City’s SummerFest web page.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA


“Summer Kick-Off” Pool & Raft Party This Saturday!

Hello Neighbors,

Washingtonian Woods “Summer Kick-Off” Pool & Raft Party
Saturday, June 15th. 4 -10pm.
Just a friendly reminder that The Annual Washingtonian Woods “Summer Kick-Off” Pool & Raft Party will be held this Saturday, June 15th, from 4pm until 10pm. All neighbors and pool members are welcome and encouraged to attend!

Music, drinks and dessert will be provided.

– Bring your own rafts!
– Glass containers are prohibited on the pool deck.
– The pool will remain open until 10:00 pm.

Please help us spread the word, and we hope to see you all there!

Neighborhood 4th of July Parade, BBQ and Pool Party
Thursday, July 4th.
Mark your calendars for the 3rd Annual Washingtonian Woods 4th of July Parade, BBQ and Pool Party!

Details to follow, but the day will include:
*Free Food! and much more.

2019 Social Calendar
The Social Committee has many other exciting neighborhood activities planned throughout the rest of the year. More details on each to follow. In the meantime, please mark your calendars!

Fourth of July Neighborhood Parade & Pool Party, July 4th 2019
New Neighbor Coffee, August 17, 2019
End of Summer Pool Party, August 24, 2019
Adult Happy Hour and Pool Party, September 7th, 2019
Movie Nights, Sept/Oct
Fall Fest & Candy Hill, October 27, 2019
Washingtonian Woods Gives Back, December 1, 2019
Washingtonian Woods Christmas Caroling, December 2019
Hanukkah Party, December 23, 2019

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA