Category Archives: News

2015 Neighborhood Directory | Advertising Agreement

Hello Neighbors,

Last year, Washingtonian Woods produced a Directory for the neighborhood.  To keep resident information up to date, we will be producing the directory again this year.  The directory will be produced and distributed in May/June 2015, and will once again be produced by AtoZ Directories.

The directory is produced at no-cost to the Association, but rather is completely funded by advertising.  That said, we have asked that AtoZ Directories give our own residents the first chance to advertise, before they begin selling ad placements to businesses outside the neighborhood.

If you are interested in promoting your business to your neighbors in this year’s directory, please feel free to download, complete and return the below form directly to AtoZ Directories — following the directions provided.

2015 ADVERTISING AGREEMENT (download .pdf)

More details and specifics can be found in the form above.  In order to take advantage of the “early bird” window, the above form should be returned to AtoZ no later than January 23, 2015.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

2015 Annual Meeting | Ballot Correction

Hello Neighbors,

All of you should have recently received the 2015 Washingtonian Woods HOA Annual Meeting Notice, Ballot and Nominations packet from PMP in the mail.

Per the enclosed cover letter, the purpose of the meeting, among other things, will be to elect 3 members to the Board of Directors.  The enclosed Ballot, unfortunately, incorrectly instructs you to vote for no more than two.  Please note that the instructions on the Ballot should read:  “PLEASE VOTE FOR NO MORE THAN THREE”.

Please feel free to still use the Ballot in the package (simply voting for up to THREE); or, if you wish, you may download and submit a revised and corrected Ballot, here.

We apologize for the confusion.  Feel free to reach out to Tim Mulford at PMP with any further questions or concerns.  Tim can be reached at:  [email protected] and 301-963-3337.

Thank you, and Happy New Year!
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Halloween House Decorating Contest Winners

Hello Neighbors,

Thank you to everyone who helped us continue the great Halloween spirit of Washingtonian Woods by decorating their houses this year!  The judging occurred on Thursday 10/30 and Friday 10/31, and our only rule was that no home could win two years in a row.  This year the following winners were selected:

1st place – 300 Midsummer Drive
2nd place – 310 Midsummer Drive
3rd place – 402 Midsummer Drive

Honorable Mentions
108 Englefield Drive
8 Driscoll Court
408 Midsummer Drive

Prizes will be distributed in the next week or so.  Thank you again and we hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Annual Halloween Parade and Festivities!

Hello Neighbors,

Well, October is here and that means that Washingtonian Woods’ annual Halloween traditions are right around the corner!

Halloween Parade & Candy Hill
This year’s Halloween Parade (featuring Costume Contest and Candy Hill) will once again be held at Washingtonian Woods park.  Come decorate a pumpkin, show your creative spirit, and watch the fun at Candy Hill!  Drinks and snacks will be provided.

When:  Sunday, 10/26
Time:  3:30pm (Costume Contest at 4pm, followed by Candy Hill)

Volunteers Needed:  We are looking for volunteers to help with our festivities.  Please check out the Signup Genius page for more information on how you can sign up and help.

Halloween House Decorating Contest
Show your Halloween spirit and decorate your house for the annual Washingtonian Woods Halloween House Decorating Contest!  In order to participate, please have your house decorated by the end of the day on Thursday, October 30th.  Judging will be based on creativity, uniqueness and curb appeal and will take place on October 31st.

Prizes will be awarded to the top three homes.  Winners will be announced through our web site, mailing lists and Facebook group after Halloween. Good luck and happy decorating!

Get B00-ed!
Keep the Halloween spirit going all season.  Feel free to Boo! someone (by leaving this flyer and a treat on a neighbor’s doorstep), or keep it going when you get Boo-ed!  You can download a Boo Buddy here.

Happy Halloween!

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Recap of 9/30 Neighborhood CCT Meeting

Hello Neighbors,

We had an excellent turnout of over 80 people at the CCT meeting this past Tuesday evening at the Clubhouse.  Attendees included many neighbors as well as Mayor Katz; Gaithersburg City Council Members, Jud Ashman, Mike Sesma and Cathy Drzyzgula; Gaithersburg Director of Planning and Code, John Schliting; as well as representatives from both the Montgomery County Department of Transportation and the Montgomery County Parks and Planning Commission.

Rick Kiegel and the MTA team gave a thorough presentation on current status of the CCT.  He and his team of engineers discussed in great detail the 15% complete design plan, including: design, traffic, and noise considerations.

You can read a recap of the meeting in the Gazette, here.  The Town Courier also had a reporter at the meeting, and they plan to post their article in the next week or so.

Next August is the next deadline for design changes.  Until then, we are asking the MTA to address several of our concerns.  While they have added noise mitigation behind the homes at the end of Upshire Circle to the plan (which is a “win”), there are many issues to be addressed.

Next step:  We will write a formal letter to the MTA outlining and stating our unified neighborhood stance to get the CCT off of Muddy Branch Road.  The letter will be signed by the three Washingtonian Woods HOAs (Washingtonian Woods, The Oaks, The Vistas).  Mission Hills will likely sign, as well.

We will post a copy of the letter once written to our web site, and we will continue to keep you abreast of our continued efforts.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

CCT Area 2 Advisory Committee Recap

Hello Neighbors,

CCT Area 2 Advisory Committee Recap
Last Tuesday was the most recent meeting of the CCT Area 2 Advisory Committee.  Several of our neighbors participate on this committee.  In attendance from Washingtonian Woods last Tuesday evening were: Lisa Cline, Toby Lehman, Tami Mensch and Wayne Berman.

Donna Baron, Coordinator of The Gaithersburg – North Potomac – Rockville Coalition (, also participates on the Committee and she has posted a thorough recap of that meeting here.  Please take a moment to read it, as it reflects some of the most recent discussions on the CCT and its effects on our neighborhood.

For those wondering (from  “The CCT Area Advisory Committees (AAC) were created by the MTA to encourage involvement from the community regarding the design and construction of the transitway as well as how the stations will be incorporated into the existing community. Decisions on the system design will be informed through facilitated discussions at quarterly meetings. Possible topics of discussion include station design amenities, traffic management, transit operations, safety and security, transitway access and community interface.”

Neighborhood CCT Meeting at Clubhouse
Tuesday, September 30th at 7pm

Please don’t forget:  On Tuesday September 30th, the MTA’s lead planner on the CCT project, Rick Kiegel, and a few members of his team will share updates on the project at the Clubhouse.  He will bring maps and specifics about the CCT’s impact on our environment, our traffic, our neighborhood, and our overall quality of life.

This meeting will be held in the upper level of the Clubhouse, and will begin at 7pm.  All neighbors are strongly encouraged to attend.

Please help us spread the word, and we hope to see you all there.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Neighborhood CCT Meeting at Clubhouse — Tuesday, September 30th at 7pm

Hello Neighbors,

Neighborhood CCT Meeting at Clubhouse
Tuesday, September 30th at 7pm

Please mark your calendars:  On Tuesday September 30th, the MTA’s lead planner on the CCT project, Rick Kiegel, and a few members of his team will share updates on the project at the Clubhouse.  He will bring maps and specifics about the CCT’s impact on our environment, our traffic, our neighborhood, and our overall quality of life.

This meeting will be held in the upper level of the Clubhouse, and will begin at 7pm.  All neighbors are strongly encouraged to attend.

Several members of the community who have been actively following the CCT will meet at the clubhouse on Tuesday, September 16th to discuss an agenda for the 30th.  This meeting is open to all.  Time:  7pm.

To read up on the CCT and the ongoing efforts of fellow neighbors, please see the following links below:

Washingtonian Woods CCT Survey Results
Jason Klemow’s Letter to Rick Kiegel
Doris Fejka’s Letter to Mayor Katz
Washingtonian Woods Town Courier Article 1
Washingtonian Woods Town Courier Article 2
Mission Hills Report (referenced in Jason’s Letter)
Map of 4 Proposed CCT Alignments (referenced in Jason’s Letter) Recent CCT News Posts
CCT Project Website
CCT Area 2 Advisory Committee (Neighbors Lisa Cline and Toby Lehman are on committee)
Great Seneca Science Corridor Advisory Committee (Neighbor Phil Usatine is Co-Chair)

Please help us spread the word, and we hope to see you all there for this very important meeting.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Pool Open an Extra Weekend | Dog Swim | Ice Cream Social

Hello Neighbors,

Final Weekend and Dog Swim
The Board has recently decided to keep the pool open for an extra weekend this year!  As such, the final day of the 2014 pool season will be on Sunday 9/7.  Our community Dog Swim will also be held on that day starting at 5 pm.

Here is the pool schedule for our final weekend:

Friday, 9/5:  4 pm – 8 pm
Saturday, 9/6:  10 am – 8 pm
Sunday, 9/7:  10 am – 6 pm.  Dog Swim begins at 5 pm.
The pool will remain closed Tuesday 9/2 – Thursday 9/4. 

Ice Cream Social
There will also be an Ice Cream Social held at the pool this Labor Day, Monday, September 1st from 1 pm – 3 pm.

Please help us spread the word, and we hope to see you all there!

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Pool Party Postponed to Sunday 8/24, 12pm – 4pm

Hello Neighbors,

On account of the miserable weather forecast for this evening, our pool party has been postponed until tomorrow.  Given that tomorrow is the day before school starts for many, we shifted the party time to earlier in the day.  The party will be from 12 pm until 4 pm.

WHAT:  Washingtonian Woods End of Summer Pool & Raft Party
WHEN:  Sunday, August 24th, 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Bring your own rafts.
Pizza, Sodas and Carmen’s Italian Ice provided.
Glass containers are prohibited on the pool deck.

Please help us spread the word of this change, and we hope to see you all there!

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Recap of 8/4/14 Great Seneca CCT Alignment Meeting

Hello Neighbors,

As mentioned previously, on Monday 8/4/14, Washingtonian Woods resident Lisa Cline hosted a walking meeting at her home with Rick Kiegel, the project manager for the CCT.  The purpose of the meeting was to discuss how the CCT project will impact the homes along the south side of Great Seneca Highway, as well as our neighborhood as a whole.

Roughly 35 people attended the meeting, and the group walked the area between several houses in the Village and Great Seneca Highway.  Lisa’s recap of that meeting can be found here for your review.

Additionally, for those of you that have not yet already seen the recap of that meeting in the Town Courier, you can find it here.

We hope to have another meeting with Rick Kiegel for the entire community hosted at the Clubhouse sometime later on this September.  We will keep everyone posted as to when that meeting gets scheduled.

Additionally, Washingtonian Woods resident Jason Klemow has created an online survey in an attempt to get written documentation of how the residents of Washingtonian Woods feel about the CCT alignments and their potential impact on our neighborhood.  He plans to present the results of this survey at the next Board meeting on Tuesday, 8/26/14.  For those interested in taking the quick survey and getting your voice on record, please do so prior to Sunday 8/24/14.  The link to the survey may be found here.

For those interested in learning more about the Corridor Cities Transitway (CCT) as a whole, the web site for the project can be found here.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA