Category Archives: News

Washingtonian Woods Summer Kick-Off Pool & Raft Party

Just a reminder that the Washingtonian Woods Summer Kick-Off Pool & Raft Party is this Friday evening, June 12th, from 6pm until 9pm!  Please note that we modified the start time slightly — the party now starts at 6pm.  Please help us spread the word, and we hope to see you all there!

WHAT:  Washingtonian Woods Summer Kick-Off Pool & Raft Party
WHEN:  Friday, June 12th, 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Bring your own rafts.
Music, Pizza, Sodas and Carmen’s Italian Ice provided.
Glass containers are prohibited on the pool deck.
The pool will remain open until 9:00 pm.
Rain Date:  Saturday, June 13th

Pool Party | CPSC Ad Hoc Committee | Guidelines | Kidical Mass Bike Ride

Hello Neighbors,

Pool & Raft Party
Just a reminder that the Washingtonian Woods Summer Kick-Off Pool & Raft Party is this Friday evening, June 12th, from 6pm until 9pm!  Please note that we modified the start time slightly — the party now starts at 6pm.  Please help us spread the word, and we hope to see you all there!

WHAT:  Washingtonian Woods Summer Kick-Off Pool & Raft Party
WHEN:  Friday, June 12th, 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Bring your own rafts.
Music, Pizza, Sodas and Carmen’s Italian Ice provided.
Glass containers are prohibited on the pool deck.
The pool will remain open until 9:00 pm.
Rain Date:  Saturday, June 13th

CPSC Ad Hoc Committee
The Gaithersburg City Council has officially created the Ad Hoc Committee for the former Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) site in our neighborhood.  If you are interested in serving on this committee to help plan the new 10-acre park, please submit your application to City Hall by June 30, 2015.  At least one slot is specifically designated for a WW resident.

The demolition of most of the existing buildings on the site will occur in late summer or fall. The City is hosting a community meeting for residents adjacent to the site on June 23 to explain the demolition process, what to expect, and the measures being taken to minimize noise, dust, and other nuisances.  Development of the park amenities within the site is going to be a deliberate multi-year process.  The recently passed capital budget allocates $3 million and anticipates it will cost around $6 million in total over the next few years.

More details on the Committee and how to submit your application can be found here on the City of Gaithersburg web site.  This is a great opportunity for members of our community to engage with the City and directly influence the use of this land that borders our neighborhood.

Architectural Guidelines
Thank you to all neighbors who submitted public comment on the Draft Architectural Guidelines and Change Application.  The Architectural Review Committee will be updating and incorporating feedback into the draft documents over the coming weeks.  The revised documents will be shared with the community prior to being voted on by the Board.

Kidical Mass Bike Ride Coming to Washingtonian Woods
Kidical Mass Gaithersburg’s June Social ride will be coming to Washingtonian Woods on Saturday, June 13th.  The group will meet at the entrance to the CPSC site at 10901 Darnestown Road at 10 am and will ride on shared used paths and low traffic level streets through Washingtonian Woods.  The ride will end at Washingtonian Woods Park at 341 Upshire Circle.  All are welcome to join.  Click here to learn more about Kidical Mass and the Washingtonian Woods ride.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Summer Kick-Off Pool & Raft Party

Hello Neighbors,

Please join us for our annual neighborhood Summer Kick-Off Pool & Raft Party!

This year’s party will be held on Friday, June 12th.  We’ll have music, and we will be providing pizza, soft drinks and Carmen’s Italian Ice.

We’ll also be keeping the pool open late — until 9pm.  So, come on out and enjoy the fun with your family and neighbors.

WHAT:  Washingtonian Woods Summer Kick-Off Pool & Raft Party
WHEN:  Friday, June 12th, 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Bring your own rafts.
Music, Pizza, Sodas and Carmen’s Italian Ice provided.
Glass containers are prohibited on the pool deck.
The pool will remain open until 9:00 pm.
Rain Date:  Saturday, June 13th

We are looking for a few volunteers to help setup, serve pizza, and clean up.  Please visit our Sign Up Genius link, if you are interested in signing up for a shift.

Please help us spread the word, and we hope to see you all there!

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Comment Period | Neighborhood Yard Sale| Pool Season

Hello Neighbors,

Architectural Guidelines Comment Period Closes on 5/15/15
The public comment period for the draft architectural guidelines and change application closes on Friday, May 15, 2015.  For those still wishing to submit public comment, please do so by sending them to Tim Mulford ([email protected]) at PMP before the end of the day, 5/15/15.

Neighborhood Yard Sale
Saturday, May 16th
8 AM – 12 Noon
Jean Pagan-Bullock is once again organizing the Washingtonian Woods neighborhood yard sale.  If you are interested in participating, please contact Jean directly at:  [email protected] or 301-908-6767.  She will be providing yard sale signs and maps.

CCT Latest
Washingtonian Woods was among several communities and organizations to recently sign a letter sent to Governor Hogan outlining our collective stance on the CCT.  The letter and its associated attachments can be found below:

Hogan Letter
Attachment A
Attachment B
Attachment C
Attachment D
Attachment E
Attachment F

Additionally, the CCT kitchen table discussion and neighborhood “walk about” with Ike Leggett has been re-scheduled for May 21st at 10:30AM at the home of Lisa Cline, 420 Upshire Circle.  For more information and the latest news on the CCT, feel free to visit the Sensible CCT Facebook Page, run by neighbor and Washingtonian Woods resident, Lisa Cline.

Entrance Signs
As many of you may have noticed, two of our new entrance monuments have recently been installed at the northernmost Muddy Branch entrance to the neighborhood (the one across from Mission Hills.)  Feel free to swing by and take a look, if you haven’t yet already.  The three remaining entrance monuments will be updated to match over the next several years.

Pool Opens on Saturday, May 23
The pool opens on Saturday, May 23!  Please be sure to complete and return your pool pass applications to PMP by Friday, May 15.  Forms were mailed to all residents in April.  Completed forms can be mailed, faxed or emailed to Tim Mulford ([email protected]) at PMP.

End of School Pool Party Scheduled for Friday, 6/12
Our annual End of School Pool Party is scheduled for Friday evening, 6/12.  The rain date is the following evening, Saturday, 6/13.  More details to follow.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

2015 Neighborhood Directory | Last Call for Advertisers | Update Your Listing

Hello Neighbors,

We are in the final stages of preparing the 2015 edition of our Community Directory.  The directory will be printed and distributed in June 2015, and will once again be produced by AtoZ Directories.

The directory is produced at no-cost to the Association, but rather is completely funded by advertising.  For those neighbors who have not already done so, but are still interested in advertising in the Directory, you have until next Friday, 5/8/15, to download, complete and return the following form directly to AtoZ Directories.  The front page lottery has not yet taken place, but will occur after 5/8/15.

2015 ADVERTISING AGREEMENT (download .pdf)

We also ask that all residents log into their A2Z Online Directory accounts and update their contact information to their liking.  All account updates made prior to June 1st will be incorporated into the printed version of the 2015 Directory.

To login to your Online Directory account, please go to this link:

Most residents should have received their A2Z Online Account login information directly from A2Z in an email in May of 2014.  If you don’t remember your login, you may click on the “Forgot Password” link on the login page above.  For those residents who have not yet received a login, you may request one by sending an email to [email protected].  Please include your name and home street address in your login request.

We will also be sending another reminder email to all user accounts within the A2Z system in the coming week or so.  Please keep an eye out for it.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Bicycle Master Plan Meeting Focusing on Corridor Cities Transitway Station Areas

Hello Neighbors,

The community is invited to learn about the upcoming Bicycle Master Plan. This meeting will provide an overview of the countywide planning effort while focusing specifically on bikeways in the vicinity of the planned Corridor Cities Transitway (CCT).

If interested in attending, please click here to RSVP.

Bikeways Master Plan Community Meeting
April 20, 2015 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Johns Hopkins Montgomery County Campus
9601 Medical Center Drive
Academic and Research Building, Room 106-110
Rockville, MD 20850

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA





Draft Guidelines: Public Comments | Extended Comment Period

Hello Neighbors,

The Board of Directors has extended the comment period for the Draft Architectural Guidelines and Draft Architectural Change Application an additional 30 days.  The comment period will now close on May 15, 2015.

We thank everyone that has shared comments to date, both in written form as well as in person at the March Board Meeting.  The written comments that have been received so far are listed below for your review (each is a downloadable .pdf file):

1 Driscoll Court, Sneeringer
1 Flameleaf Court, Burstein
3 Argosy Circle, Vazquez
3 Driscoll Court, Meyers
9 Flameleaf Court, Miller
14 Flameleaf Court, Riggsbee
101 Canfield Hill Drive, Belgard
103 Driscoll Way, Chiet
108 Argosy Drive, Farrell
114 Englefield Drive, Zaiderman
119 Upshire Circle, Robinson
203 Midsummer Drive, Spiegel
211 Argosy Drive, Epstein
213 Midsummer Drive, Blaker
220 Midsummer Drive, Wenk
224 Midsummer Drive, Nussbaum
235 Midsummer Circle, Brady
304 Midsummer Drive, Murayama
318 Midsummer Drive, Leshin
319 Arogsy Drive, Ellinport
408 Midsummer Drive, Blackman
418 Upshire Circle, Mark, Box
445 Upshire Circle, Bonaz
Minutes Excerpt from 3/24/15 HOA Meeting (oral comments)
Minutes Excerpt from 4/28/15 HOA Meeting (forthcoming, pending formal approval)

We will amend this page with future comments as they are received.

Additional comments may be submitted via email or postal mail to:

Property Management People, Inc.
955A Russell Ave
Gaithersburg, MD 20879
℅ Timothy Mulford
[email protected]

The Board and Architectural Review Committee welcome comments from the community.  Community comment and input will be taken into consideration when proposing any modifications to the draft documents.  Any updates or alterations to the draft documents as a result of the public comment period will also be shared with the community.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Spring Updates: Annual Meeting | Draft Architectural Guidelines | CCT | Spring Cleanup

Hello Neighbors,

Reconvened Annual Meeting
The reconvened Washingtonian Woods HOA 2015 Annual Meeting will be held this Tuesday, March 24, 2015 at 7 pm in the Upper Level of the Clubhouse. 

The purpose of this meeting is to elect 3 members to the Board of Directors and review Association business.  We encourage all homeowners to attend.

Public Comment:  Draft Architectural Guidelines and Change Application
All single-family homeowners should be receiving packets in the mail containing the Draft Architectural Guidelines and Draft Architectural Change Application for neighborhood comment and review.

If you have not yet received your copies, both documents have also been posted to our web site, should you wish to download them.  You may find them both here.

The Board welcomes your comments, and appreciates all those who choose to participate in the discussion.

CCT Discussion with Ike Leggett
The CCT kitchen table discussion and neighborhood “walk about” with Ike Leggett has been re-scheduled for May 21st.  For more information, and the latest news on the CCT, feel free to visit the Sensible CCT Facebook Page, run by neighbor and Washingtonian Woods resident, Lisa Cline.

Spring Loose Leaf Collection
Spring Loose Leaf Collection for our neighborhood is scheduled for March 23 – April 10. Please click here for more information.

Washingtonian Woods Annual Park Cleanup
Saturday, April 11, 2014

Join the Muddy Branch Alliance in the annual cleanup on Saturday, April 11th from 9-12 pm. The Muddy Branch Alliance, a local non-profit watershed group, is helping the City of Gaithersburg with this clean-up as part of a larger clean-up of the Potomac River.

Participants will meet in the Washingtonian Woods clubhouse at 9:00 am, collect pickup sticks supplied by the City of Gaithersburg and bags supplied by the Alice Ferguson Foundation. Volunteers will head to various areas in the neighborhood and park that are in need of trash pickup.

SSL hours are available. Please contact Paul Hlavinka at [email protected] for information. You may also download the Flyer, here.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Public Comment: Draft Architectural Guidelines and Architectural Change Application

Hello Neighbors,

The Washingtonian Woods HOA Board of Directors recently convened an Architectural Review Committee, with the stated purpose of drafting Architectural Guidelines for the single-family homes in the neighborhood, modifying the Architectural Change Application and clarifying and updating the process by which homeowners can go about maintaining, improving and updating the exterior appearance of their homes.

Clear, consistent and respectful Guidelines will greatly assist in maintaining a beautiful and cohesive look for Washingtonian Woods; increasing curb appeal for the neighborhood as a whole, and thereby preserving home values.

With these Guidelines, it is the Board’s intent to clarify expectations as to what is considered an acceptable architectural change and to reacquaint homeowners with the specific architectural qualities that make each of the three different home styles in the neighborhood unique (Centex, Christopher and Alfandre.)  Additionally, these Guidelines will also make it easier for the Board to render clear and consistent decisions, while at the same time increasing your understanding and appreciation of the architectural change process.

These Guidelines complement the architectural expectations of the Association as set forth in the following sections of the Association’s Declaration of Covenants:

“Article VI:  Architectural Control”
“Article VII:  Use Restrictions”

The Architectural Review Committee was convened in the Spring of 2014 after a call to residents went out via our official Board email distribution list.  Numerous neighbors responded and chose to participate in this endeavor, volunteering hours of their time over a period of 7 months, meeting every two weeks and in some cases, more frequently.  This dedicated group of your peers diligently discussed and reviewed countless perspectives on all things architectural, all with the goal of putting forth clear, comprehensive and respectful Guidelines for the Board and residents to review.

The Committee took great care in drafting a document that is easy to read and understand.  To that end, pictures were used throughout, as doing so will help make the review process much easier for both the homeowner and Board to conduct.

It is also worth noting that proposed changes that fall outside of these Guidelines will still be considered.  As always, homeowners are welcome to bring forth new ideas and technologies in their applications.  The Board will review and consider all proposed architectural changes — as long as the thematic look and feel is consistent with the style originally envisioned for Washingtonian Woods.

Once these Guidelines are formally adopted, homeowners can more easily upgrade and improve their homes, the Board can more easily render decisions, and a more harmonious look of the neighborhood can be maintained, and even re-established.

While these documents have the representative support of the community — through the 7 elected Board members, as well as the numerous resident volunteers who chose to serve on the Architectural Review Committee — we welcome and encourage comment from the entire community.

As such, the 2015 Washingtonian Woods draft Architectural Guidelines and Architectural Change Application are hereby respectfully submitted to the Washingtonian Woods homeowners for review and comment.  The review period will extend for a minimum of 30 days from the date of this mailing, ending on or about April 15th, 2015.  The draft Guidelines and Application will also be posted on the Washingtonian Woods website (www.

Comments may be submitted via email or postal mail to:

Property Management People, Inc.
955A Russell Ave
Gaithersburg, MD 20879
℅ Timothy Mulford
[email protected]

All comments will be reviewed and considered in finalizing the Guidelines and Application.  Lack of comments does not imply acceptance but the Board will certainly take that into consideration when we vote on the documents at the April 28th meeting.  To that end, we would invite homeowners to attend our March 24th meeting if they have comments they’d rather air in person.

It is the intent to make comments publicly available.

Thank you,

The Washingtonian Woods HOA Board of Directors
The Washingtonian Woods Architectural Review Committee

Draft Architectural Guidelines (.pdf)
Draft Architectural Change Application (.pdf)


Homeowners Association Annual Meeting: Tuesday Night

Hello Neighbors,

This is a friendly reminder that the Washingtonian Woods HOA 2015 Annual Meeting will be held this Tuesday, January 27, 2015 at 7 pm in the Upper Level of the Clubhouse. 

The purpose of this meeting is to elect 3 members to the Board of Directors and review Association business.  We encourage all homeowners to attend. 

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA