Category Archives: News

Draft Architectural Guidelines

Hello Neighbors,

Per some recent resident feedback at the September HOA meeting, the Architectural Review Committee has updated the draft Architectural Guidelines document to include an expanded “Front Doors” section.  Included in the revised section is some more descriptive verbiage as well as some sample illustrations.  You may download the revised document here.

This is the final version of the Guidelines document that the Board plans to vote on at the October 27th meeting.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

CPSC Site Demolition Schedule

Hello Neighbors,

The residents most affected by the following announcement have already been individually notified.  However, we wanted to let the entire community know that the City of Gaithersburg will begin demolition of the CPSC buildings on Monday, October 12th.

More detailed information and timeline can be found in the attached document, below:


Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Candy Hill | Halloween Parade | House Decorating Contest

Hello Neighbors,

Well, October is here and that means that Washingtonian Woods’ annual Halloween traditions are right around the corner!

Halloween Parade & Candy Hill
This year’s Halloween Parade (featuring Costume Contest and Candy Hill) will once again be held at Washingtonian Woods park.  Come decorate a pumpkin, show your creative spirit, and watch the fun at Candy Hill!  Drinks and snacks will be provided.

When:  Sunday, 10/25
Time:  3:30pm

Volunteers Needed:  We are looking for volunteers to help with our festivities.  Please check out the Signup Genius page for more information on how you can sign up and help.

Halloween House Decorating Contest
Show your Halloween spirit and decorate your house for the annual Washingtonian Woods Halloween House Decorating Contest!  In order to participate, please have your house decorated by the end of the day on Friday, October 30th.  Judging will be based on creativity, uniqueness and curb appeal and will take place on October 31st.

Prizes will be awarded to the top three homes.  Winners will be announced through our web site, mailing lists and Facebook group after Halloween. Good luck and happy decorating!

Get B00-ed!
Keep the Halloween spirit going all season.  Feel free to Boo! someone (by leaving this flyer and a treat on a neighbor’s doorstep), or keep it going when you get Boo-ed!  You can download a Boo Buddy here.

Happy Halloween!

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Tree Revitalization Project | Additional Entrance Monuments

Hello Neighbors,

Tree Revitalization Project 
The Washingtonian Woods Homeowners Association has signed a four (4) year tree revitalization project with Potomac Garden Center, Inc. According to our current landscaping company and arborist, there are over 40 declining trees between the berm alongside Muddy Branch Road.

The first phase of the project will begin this coming Wednesday, October 7th, 2015. At this time several of the declining trees will be removed and the stumps will be grinded (these trees have been marked with neon green ribbons.) Beginning on October 12th, 2015 Potomac Garden Center will be installing the new plantings. This should take approximately two (2) days.

For reference, please see the map below:


If you have any questions please call 301-963-3337 or email [email protected].

Additional Entrance Monuments
The Board has also approved the replacement of the two remaining Muddy Branch Road entrance monuments. These two monuments at the southern entrance of Midsummer Drive and Muddy Branch Road will be getting installed this month. The new signs will be identical to the two that were previously installed (at the northern entrance of Midsummer Drive and Muddy Branch Road) back in the spring. Construction, once started, should only take several days.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Notice of Rescheduled September Board Meeting | ARC Revised Guidelines

Hello Neighbors,

Notice of Rescheduled September Board Meeting
All homeowners should soon be receiving a notice of our rescheduled September meeting.  The meeting has been rescheduled from Tuesday, 9/22 to Tuesday, 9/29 at 7pm.

ARC Revised Guidelines
The revised Architectural Guidelines have been mailed out to all single family homeowners for review, and should be arriving in your mailboxes over the next several days.  Please keep an eye out for them.  The Board plans to vote on the Guidelines at the October Board meeting.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Pool Open an Extra Weekend | Dog Swim

Hello Neighbors,

Final Weekend and Dog Swim
The Board has decided to once again keep the pool open for an extra weekend this year!  As such, the final day of the 2015 pool season will be on Sunday 9/13.  Our community Dog Swim will also be held on that day starting at 6 pm.

Here is the pool schedule for our final weekend:

Friday, 9/11:  4 pm – 8 pm.
Saturday, 9/12:  12 pm – 8 pm.
Sunday, 9/13:  12 pm – 6 pm.  Dog Swim begins at 6 pm.
The pool will remain closed Tuesday 9/8 – Thursday 9/10. 

Please help us spread the word, and we hope to see you all there!

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Community Pool Party Saturday Night!

Hello Neighbors,

Just a friendly reminder that the Washingtonian Woods End of Summer Pool & Raft Party is this Saturday evening, August 29th, from 6pm until 10pm!

WHAT:  Washingtonian Woods End of Summer Pool & Raft Party
WHEN:  Saturday, August 29th, 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Bring your own rafts!
Music, Pizza, Sodas and Refreshments provided.
Glass containers are prohibited on the pool deck.
The pool will remain open until 10:00 pm.
Rain Date:  Sunday, August 30th

Please help us spread the word, and we hope to see you all there!

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA


August Board Meeting Rescheduled for Wednesday, 8/26

Hello Neighbors,

All of you should have already received prior notification via Postal Mail of this change, but we wanted to remind everyone that this month’s Washingtonian Woods HOA Board Meeting has been rescheduled for this Wednesday, 8/26 at 7pm.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA


Championship Swim Meet on Saturday | Heavy Parking

Hello Neighbors,

The Washingtonian Woods Waves swim season comes to an end this Saturday at the MCSL Division N Championship Meet — also known as ‘Divisionals’.  This meet features all 5 teams from N Division swimming at the same pool for the final meet of the season.

This year the Divisionals meet will be held at Washingtonian Woods.

The purpose of this email is to inform the neighborhood that due to this meet, numerous additional cars will be in the neighborhood between the hours of 7AM and 1PM, Saturday, July 18th.  The swimmers and families of all 5 teams have already been informed avoid parking in any “Reserved” spaces in the Vistas parking lot, and to preferably park in any legal spots along Midsummer Drive or Upshire Circle.  The team plans to have parking lot attendants on hand to help control parking as best is as possible.

We appreciate both your support and understanding.  And, feel free to come cheer on the Waves!

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA