Category Archives: News

Small Cell Facilities Working Session | Neighborhood CPR Class

Hello Neighbors,

Small Cell Facilities Working Session
May 22, 2017, 7:30pm
A Mayor and City Council Work Session to discuss ordinance changes, regulations and right-of-way agreements related to Small Cell Facilities (download FAQ) in the City of Gaithersburg will take place at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, May 22 at City Hall. Public comment will be accepted that evening and for 30 days following the presentation. E-mail comments to Deputy City Manager Dennis Enslinger at [email protected]. Information can be found on the Project Page of the City’s website here.

InGaithersburg eNewsletter
For those interested in staying more up to date on all things Gaithersburg, feel free to sign up for the InGaithersburg eNewsletter. You can do so here.

Neighborhood CPR Class
June 26, 2017, 4pm
The HOA Board has partnered with Community Pools to offer a free CPR class to interested neighbors on Monday, June 26, 2017, from 4pm until 6pm, at the Clubhouse. All interested homeowners should contact Tim Mulford at ([email protected]) to express interest and reserve a spot. Space is limited.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Pool Passes | Neighborhood Directory Advertising | Notice of Rescheduled May Board Meeting

Hello Neighbors,

Pool Pass Application

If you haven’t already done so, please take a moment to complete your 2017 Pool Pass application and return to Tim Mulford at PMP no later than this Friday, May 12th to ensure that you and your family will be able to access the pool on Opening Day.

Neighborhood Directory – Call for Advertisers
If you are interested in promoting your business to your neighbors in this year’s 2017-2018 Washingtonian Woods neighborhood directory, please feel free to download, complete and return the below form directly to AtoZ Directories by June 15, 2017 — following the directions provided. Any advertising questions can be directed to Michele Delgadillo at 301-972-1750 or [email protected]. This year’s Directory will be printed and delivered to all residents in mid to late summer 2017.

2017 ADVERTISING AGREEMENT (download .pdf)

Notice of Rescheduled May 2017 Board Meeting
All homeowners please be advised that our May 2017 Board meeting has been rescheduled. The meeting has been rescheduled from Tuesday, 5/23 to Tuesday, 5/30 at 7pm.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Kentucky Derby Party!

Hello Neighbors,

Break out the hats and the bow ties, it’s time for the Derby! Let’s stir up some Mint Juleps, place a few wagers and treat ourselves to an adults-only evening with friends.

What: Neighborhood Kentucky Derby Party!
Saturday, May 6th
Time: 4:30pm – 8:00pm
Location: Washingtonian Woods Clubhouse, Upper Level

The doors open at 4:30pm (so book your sitters now!) and shut at 8:00pm. Grab your neighbors and some snacks/drinks to share and join us at the Washingtonian Woods Clubhouse.

There will be awards for:
-Craziest Hat
-Most Unique Dresser
-Most Stylish Couple

And bring a few dollars for some casual, fun wagers.

Need Derby-worthy recipe ideas?

Inspiration for fun attire?

So that we may plan accordingly, please take a quick moment to RSVP at the following link:

Hope to see you there!

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Washingtonian Woods Annual Park Cleanup | Loose Leaf Collection

Hello Neighbors,

Washingtonian Woods Annual Park Cleanup

Join the Muddy Branch Alliance in the annual cleanup on Saturday, April 8th from 9am – 12 pm. The Muddy Branch Alliance. a local non-profit watershed group, is helping the City of Gaithersburg with this clean-up as part of a larger clean-up of the Potomac River.

Participants will meet in the Washingtonian Woods Park (314 Upshire Circle) at 9:00 am, collect pickup sticks supplied by the City of Gaithersburg and bags supplied by the Alice Ferguson Foundation. Volunteers will head to various areas in the neighborhood and park that are in need of trash pickup.

SSL hours are available. Please contact Paul Hlavinka at [email protected] for information. You may also download the Flyer, here.

Spring Loose Leaf Collection
Spring Loose Leaf Collection for our neighborhood continues for the first two weeks in April. Please click here for more information.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

March Neighborhood Social Events

Hello Neighbors,

We would like to take a quick moment to inform you of several upcoming Neighborhood Social Events!

March Madness at the Clubhouse
When: Saturday, March 18th, Noon – 6pm
Where: Clubhouse, Upper Level

Come catch the Madness with your neighbors – March Madness that is! Cheer on your favorite teams (or at least the ones you have in your bracket selection) while socializing with your neighbors during the first weekend of the NCAA tournament.

We will have the clubhouse open and games on from 12:00pm – 6:00pm on Saturday, March 18. Stop by for any amount of time. Light snacks and soft drinks will be provided, but please bring any other items you want to enjoy. Hope to see you there!

‘Get to Know Your Neighbor’ Social
When: Friday, March 31st, 6:00pm – 9:00pm
Where: Clubhouse, Upper Level

The Washingtonian Woods Social Committee will host an Adults Only Open House to get to know your neighbors. Get a babysitter and come for the entire time, or just stop by to say hello.
We will offer light fare and provide plenty of ice, soda, and water. Please bring any other drinks you wish to have.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Snow Emergency | Neighborhood Trash Pickup

Hello Neighbors,

Gaithersburg Snow Emergency
As most of you should already know, the City of Gaithersburg has declared a Snow Emergency for this evening (March 13th) and tomorrow (March 14th.) You can read more about how this affects residents of the City, Snow Emergency Routes, Cancellations, and other important related information on the City’s web site, here.

Additionally, our neighborhood trash vendor has issued a statement with regards to expected trash schedules this week due to the impacts of the storm. That statement follows below, for your reference:

A Message from Potomac Disposal Regarding Trash Pickup Schedules:

As you know, the area is under a significant winter storm watch as of Monday evening, through Tuesday and possibly into Wednesday. This could turn into a major snow/ice event. If the prognosticators are correct, we may not be able to return to service until *Thursday. If that is the case, communities with Tuesday/Friday service will be picked up on Friday although it is possible that with the added capacity and transfer station time restraints some may not be serviced until Saturday. Communities with Wednesday/Saturday service will be picked up Saturday. We always err on the side of caution in situations like these to ensure the safety of the residents and our crews. *If service roads are clear of snow and ice.

Residents can check for updates on possible delayed services due to the storm by visiting our website at The announcements will be on the right side of the home page.

We thank you in advance for your understanding during difficult situations like these. We will try our hardest to get caught up once the streets are safely passable. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Save the Dates! | 2017 Social Calendar and Survey

Hello Neighbors,

Social Committee Neighborhood Survey
The Washingtonian Woods Social Committee is hoping you can take a few minutes to complete this survey as they look to bring events to the community:

2017 Social Calendar (Save the Dates!)
Mark your calendars! Here are the upcoming 2017 Washingtonian Woods Social Events @ the Clubhouse!

  • March Madness – Saturday, March 18th – Kicking off around 12pm
  • Kentucky Derby Party (Adults Only) – Saturday, May 6th @ 4pm
  • End-of-School Party @ the Pool – Saturday, June 17th @ 4pm
  • 1st Annual 4th of July Festival – Tuesday, July 4th – All Day!
  • End of Summer Pool Party – Saturday, August 26th @ the Pool

More details and more events coming soon!

Thank you,
The Washingtonian Woods Social Committee

Washingtonian Woods Super Bowl Party Potluck and Chili Cook-Off

Save the Date!

Washingtonian Woods Super Bowl Party Potluck and Chili Cook-Off
Date: Sunday, February 5th, 2017
Time: 5:30pm – 10:30pm EST
Location: Washingtonian Woods Clubhouse

Hosted by the Washingtonian Woods Social Committee, bring the family out for a night of fun! We ask that each family attending please bring a snack/appetizer, and anything else you want to have on hand for the game. Feeling competitive? Bring a pot of chili or your favorite dip – prizes for both the best chili and best dip will be awarded!!

Please use the Sign-up Genius to share what you are bringing.

We will be providing plenty of ice, soda, water, plates, napkins, utensils and condiments for the chili. Hope to see you all there and watch for the 2017 Calendar of Events coming soon!

Thank you,
The Washingtonian Woods Social Committee

2016 Halloween House Decorating Contest Winners

Hello Neighbors,

Thank you to everyone who helped us continue the great Halloween spirit of Washingtonian Woods by decorating their houses this year!  The judging occurred on Saturday 10/29, and our only rule was that no home could win two years in a row.  This year the following winners were selected:

1st Place — 108 Englefield Drive
2nd Place — 126 Upshire Circle
3rd Place — 130 Upshire Circle

Honorable Mentions
111 Argosy Drive
406 Midsummer Drive
132 Canfield Hill Drive
410 Midsummer Drive
502 Midsummer Drive
119 Canfield Hill Drive

Prizes will be distributed in the next week or so.  Thank you again and we hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Fall Festival & Candy Hill This Weekend

Hello Neighbors,

Just a reminder that the neighborhood Fall Festival, featuring the Halloween Parade, Candy Hill and Spooky Walk is this Sunday 10/30 at 4:00pm in Washingtonian Woods Park.

The Social Committee is still actively looking for plenty volunteers to help ensure this event’s success. Please take a moment to look at this Sign-up Genius to see how you can still help. It would be much appreciated!

More details on the event can be found here.

House Decorating Contest
Also, judging for the House Decorating Contest will occur on Saturday evening 10/29. Please be sure to have your decorations up by 6:00pm.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA