Hello Neighbors,
Well, it’s that time of year again, and The Washingtonian Woods Social Committee has been working hard on keeping our neighborhood’s great Halloween spirit alive and well during this 2021 Halloween season. Please see below for the specifics and details on the events that make up this year’s neighborhood Fall Festival:
Halloween House Decorating Contest
Friday, October 29 between 7:00pm and 9:00pm
Show your Halloween spirit and decorate your house for the annual Washingtonian Woods Halloween House Decorating Contest! Judges will be driving around for the annual neighborhood House Decorating Contest to pick their top three choices. Winners will be announced on Saturday during the Festival.
Halloween Word Search
Saturday, October 30 through Sunday, October 31
Search for letters hidden around the neighborhood and unscramble them to figure out what the letters all spell. When you find a letter, snap a photo with either you, your child, or your pet next to it and text the following to Erica Adler (703-508-9790): Your full name (or your child’s name), the photos of the letters, the age group you are submitting for, and the word you think the letters spell. Submissions are due by Monday, November 1 at 12:00 noon.
Fall Festival
When: Saturday, October 30th, 3:00pm – 6:00pm
Where: Washingtonian Woods Park and Clubhouse
RSVP: To pre-register and reserve your spot, please click here
Waiver Required
The Fall Festival will be from 3:00pm to 6:00pm, everyone must register ALL family members to attend. There will be two check-in tables, one at the beginning of the Spooky Trail and one at the clubhouse. You can pre-register here and pick-up wristbands at check in. If you don’t pre-register then you will have to sign a hard copy of the waiver form at one of the check-in tables.
The festival will include a spooky trail, giant inflatable slide, games, arts and crafts, cake walk, jack o’lantern decorating contest, and food trucks! Costumes are of course welcomed but not required. All activities will be held in the clubhouse parking lot except for the spooky trail.
Spooky Trail (3pm – 6pm)
The Spooky Trail will start near the bridge at the far end of the grassy area where the pond empties into the creek, and proceed up the trail to the Clubhouse, ending in the Clubhouse parking lot. The trail will include a few different themed areas – cemetery, ghosts, and spiders, and candy will be passed out all along the way. CLICK HERE to see the Spooky Trail Map.

Jack O’Lantern Contest
Anyone and everyone can bring a decorated/carved pumpkin to the clubhouse between 1:00pm and 2:00pm on Saturday to be considered for the contest. Anyone who attends the festival will be able to vote for their favorites between 3:00pm and 6:00pm. There will be 3 age categories, under 8, 9-13, and 14 and up.
Cake Walk
If you would like to donate a cake to the cake walk, you can drop it off between 1:00pm and 2:00pm at the clubhouse.
Disco Dance Party
When the Festival ends at 6:00pm we will have a Disco Dance Party in the parking lot.
Food Trucks
We will have two Food Trucks during the Festival – BrickNFire Pizza and My Cup Runneth Over
Volunteers Needed!
This event would not be possible without the contributions of many volunteers. Please consider lending an hour of your time to help the WW Social Committee make this another fantastic event and sign up via this link to volunteer. For those who sign up, additional details will be provided to you directly by a member of the Social Committee. Please take a moment to look at our Sign-up Genius and sign up for slot.
Thank you to the Social Committee for all of its efforts and hours of volunteer time to help keep the great Halloween spirit of Washingtonian Woods alive and well this year. We hope you and your families are all staying safe and well, and have a Happy Halloween!
Next Board Meeting – October 26, 2021, 7pm
The Association holds monthly Board meetings on the 4th Tuesday of every month (with the exception of December.) The meetings start at 7pm and are usually held in the upper level of the clubhouse. However, due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the Board meetings are occurring over Zoom until further notice.
Due to privacy concerns and a need to verify attendance, the Board has decided not to post meeting Zoom links in a public forum. Rather, all residents interested in attending a Board meeting should reach out to Tim Mulford ([email protected]), and Tim will provide the appropriate Zoom link once available. We thank you for your patience and understanding, and we hope to be back to in-person meetings sometime soon.
Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA