Author Archives: admin

Formation of Architectural Subcommittee

Hello Neighbors,

The Washingtonian Woods HOA Board of Directors has recently formed a new Architectural Subcommittee to further define how to maintain and change our homes in accordance with the HOA bylaws.  This is great news in that the application and approval process will be more streamlined and the original intent and architectural “harmony” of the neighborhood will be more closely adhered to.

Guidelines for changes to things like garage doors, landscaping, roofing, driveways, and more are being worked on right now.

In the meantime, please revisit the Bylaws and Covenants you received when you bought your home.

Q: Will I be asked to replace the windows I just put in last year, if they are in violation of the new standards?

A: No. This is a “moving forward” document and an addendum to the HOA bylaws.

Q: What if I have a change pending now? Will the writing of this new document hold me up?

A: No. Our property management company (PMP) and the HOA Board of Directors are proceeding as usual. The HOA responds to requests within 60 days of receipt of application; usually sooner.  Please understand, however, if your project falls under a category that is “under discussion.”  This may cause a slight delay.  (We will be in touch, if that’s the case.)

Q: Can’t I just paint my door the same color as my neighbor’s door to save time?

A: No. And here’s why: over the last twenty-some years, many homeowners made unapproved changes.  They incurred violations and it cost them money.  Starting this year, we are getting back to the original intent and look of the neighborhood — but a 2014 version of this neighborhood.

We promise that this is a great, invigorating step toward maintaining the appearance and value of one of Gaithersburg’s most classic family neighborhoods.

Look for details in your mailbox and on our website,, later this year.

Thank you,
Michelle Culp
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA
Chair, Architectural Subcommittee

CCT Great Seneca Alignment and Washingtonian Woods

Hello Neighbors,

MTA project manager Rick Kiegel recently requested a meeting with members of our community to discuss the current CCT (Corridor Cities Transitway) alignment along Great Seneca Highway and how it will affect Washingtonian Woods.  Specifically, he requested an in-person meeting with us to explain and walk the area behind some of the houses on Upshire Circle.

Fellow neighbor, Lisa Cline, will be organizing the date and time of the meeting with Mr. Kiegel.  Interested residents should contact Lisa directly at:  [email protected] or 301-978-9789.  Please include best way to reach you (phone, email, doorbell) and when you are available between 9AM and 5PM, M-F over the next few weeks.  She will be in touch with a time that enables everyone to attend who is interested in this important matter.

The two pictures below illustrate just how close the current Great Seneca alignment may approach our neighborhood:

In the first picture below, everything to the right of the screen already exists as Great Seneca Highway.  Everything to the left — two bus lanes buffered by two grassy medians — will be new.

Mr. Kiegel will be discussing how the MTA plans to fit the land labeled “SWM” (storm water management) and “Proposed Transitway” into the small strip of land behind the houses on Upshire Circle, the tennis courts, and the nature trails of Washingtonian Woods Park.

This is an opportunity for members of our community to engage directly with the State and potentially influence the use of these lands that border our neighborhood.

For those interested in learning more about the Corridor Cities Transitway (CCT) as a whole, the web site for the project can be found here.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Recap of CPSC Tour and Discussion

Hello Neighbors,

As mentioned previously, last Monday, 6/30/14, the Mayor & Gaithersburg City Council held a public tour and discussion at the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) site that backs up to our community.  The purpose of this meeting was to begin discussing how the property could be used as a recreational area.

For those of you that have not yet already seen the excellent recap of that meeting in the Gaithersburg Gazette, you can find it here.

Additionally, several of our neighbors including myself attended the meeting.  Neighbor Liz Rubenstein’s thorough meeting notes can also be found here, for your review.

The next step in the process will be the establishment of an Ad Hoc Committee to determine how best to design and develop this property moving forward.  Once the City Council has established the Committee and its formal Charge, the City will advertise the opportunity for volunteers to express interest in joining the Committee.  In the meantime, however, if any neighbors would like to proactively express interest in serving on the Committee, please feel free to reach out to Assistant City Manager, Dennis Enslinger ([email protected]) and he will let you know when the official request for volunteers goes out to the public.

This is a great opportunity for members of our community to engage with the City and directly influence the use of this land that borders our neighborhood.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

CPSC Public Tour and Discussion

Hello Neighbors,

Tonight at 7:30pm the Mayor & City Council will hold a public tour and discussion at the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) site that backs up to our community.  

As mentioned previously, The Gaithersburg Capital budget allocates $1.4 million over the course of the next couple years to develop a city park on this 10-acre Consumer Product Safety Commission site. The City Council is just at the beginning of that process and will be soliciting lots of community input over the coming months before any plans for the site are finalized.

Anyone who would like to attend can simply just show up at 7:30pm. Just drive up the CPSC entrance road off of Darnestown. The gate should be open.

Some background:

Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Private Pool Parties

Private Pool Use Agreement (download .PDF)
Those residents interested in hosting a party at the pool may be required to complete a Private Pool Use Agreement.  A group of six (6) or more would be considered a party according to the pool regulations, and the Private Pool Use Agreement would need to be completed following the instructions on the Agreement.  Groups in excess of seventy five (75) persons (children and/or adults) would be addressed on a case by case basis.

The Private Pool Use Agreement should used for any party at the pool, regardless of the time.  It is is highly encouraged that members who plan on having a party contact PMP fourteen (14) days prior to the party.

UPDATE: Pool Party Moved to Saturday Night!

Hello Neighbors,

Given tonight’s forecast of an 80% chance of severe thunderstorms, and tomorrow night’s forecast of a 100% chance of spectacular, we have decided to move our End of School Party to tomorrow night.

We will move the start time one hour earlier, so the party will run from 5 PM until 10 PM.

Here are the new updated details:
WHAT: Washingtonian Woods End of School Pool Party
WHEN: Saturday, June 14th, 5:00pm – 10:00pm
Pizza and soft drinks will be provided. 
Glass containers are prohibited on the pool deck.

Please help us spread the word.

Washingtonian Woods Pool Party

Come celebrate the End of School and Beginning of Summer! The Washingtonian Woods HOA is hosting a Pool Party on Friday, June 13th, 6:00 – 10:00 pm at the Pool.

WHAT: Washingtonian Woods End of School Pool Party
WHEN: Friday, June 13th, 6:00 – 10:00 pm

Pizza and soft drinks will be provided.
Glass containers are prohibited on the pool deck.
The pool will remain open until 10:00 pm.

We hope to see you all there!

Update on City Budget

Dear Neighbors,

Moments ago the Gaithersburg City Council unanimously passed the Fiscal Year 2015 budget, which takes effect July 1. I wanted to share with you a few highlights that will benefit our Washingtonian Woods neighborhood:

The Capital budget allocates $1.4 million over the course of the next couple years to develop a city park on the 10-acre Consumer Product Safety Commission site. We are just at the beginning of that process and will be soliciting lots of community input over the coming months before any plans for the site are finalized. I encourage you to send me your thoughts and ideas for the future park. But I am looking forward to celebrating the opening of this great community amenity in the next couple years.

Additionally, available funds of $134,500 will support the design of infill lighting along Midsummer Drive, to improve nighttime safety and visibility, as requested by our HOA leadership.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or comments.

Ryan Spiegel
Gaithersburg City Council
203 Midsummer Drive

[email protected]

Mission Hills CCT Alignment Study Released

Hello Neighbors,

As some of you may already know, the Muddy Branch Road recommended alignment for the CCT (Corridor Cities Transitway), was recently relocated to the median of Muddy Branch Road after some push back from the residents of Mission Hills.  It had previously been planned to run along the Mission Hills side of Muddy Branch Road.

For those of you wishing to read the full report (released 5/21/14) discussing the four BRT alignment options that were studied, you may download it here.

A map showing the four alignment options considered can be found here.

And, for those interested in learning more about the Corridor Cities Transitway (CCT) as a whole, the web site for the project can be found here.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

2014 Swim Team Registration is Open

Official registration is on Friday, May 2nd from 5:00 to 7:30 in the downstairs pool house. Bring your payment on Friday, May 2nd. Yes, you should bring your children then. The coaches will be available for your swimmer to meet and greet them. We will be taking registration with payment, help you sign up for your four volunteer slots, and a representative from Aardvark will be there for swim suit sizing and ordering.

Online registration is open as of May 1st:

Team Representative: Mary Alice Spivey
Contact phone: 301-840-2020 (h) 240-361-8648 (c)
e-mail: [email protected]

Assistant Team Representative: Dan Goldsamt
Contact phone: 301-213-0242
e-mail: [email protected]