Author Archives: admin

Save the Dates: Washingtonian Woods Holiday Gift Giving Program | Toddler Playdate

Hello Neighbors,

The Washingtonian Woods Social Committee would like to let you know about two upcoming neighborhood events:

Washingtonian Woods Holiday Gift Giving Program
Washingtonian Woods will be holding our first ever holiday gift giving program to benefit families in the City of Gaithersburg. We will be collecting unwrapped new toys (crafts, games, etc.) for children as well as items for teens. Please join us in the Upper Level of the Clubhouse on Sunday, November 26th for an Open House from 4pm – 6pm. We will collect donations and provide pizza, light fare and beverages. If you are unable to attend, but would still like to donate gifts, please click here for more details.

Date:  Sunday, November 26, 2017
Time:  4:00pm – 6:00pm
Where:  Washingtonian Woods Clubhouse, Upper Level
What to Bring:  Please click here for more details.

Toddler Playdate
Have a child under 5 and need to get them out of the house this winter? Come meet other toddler parents in the neighborhood and let your kid get their energy out at the same time at the Washingtonian Woods Winter Toddler Playdate sponsored by the social committee. We will have some coffee for the parents and bagels/juice for everyone.  Bring a toy/game to share with a new friend so we can all play together.  See you there!

Date:  Saturday, January 6, 2018
Time:  9:00am – 10:30am
Where:  Washingtonian Woods Clubhouse, Lower Level
What to Bring:  A toy or game to play, and your toddler

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

11/11 Neighborhood Movie Night Canceled

Hello Neighbors,

Unfortunately, due to the extremely cold weather forecasted for tomorrow evening and beyond our “Neighborhood Movie Night” showing of “Star Wars” has been canceled. We will resume our “Neighborhood Movie Night” series in the spring when the weather begins to warm up again.

More about Neighborhood Movie Night: On several weekend evenings in the Fall and Spring (when the weather is cool, yet comfortable) we plan to show outdoor movies on Candy Hill (341 Upshire Circle.) Neighbors are encouraged to bring jackets, blankets, pillows, snacks, bug spray, and any other items you wish to enjoy the show! Candy Hill has a natural grade and should allow good amphitheater-style viewing!

See you in the spring!

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

City of Gaithersburg Elections | Fall Loose Leaf Collection

Hello Neighbors,

Election Day – November 7
Cast your ballot for Mayor and two City Council Members on Tuesday, November 7. Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Click here for poll locations and candidate information. Preliminary results will be announced the night of the election (approximately 9 p.m.). The Gaithersburg Board of Supervisors of Elections will meet on November 8 to certify the results. Official results will be released November 9.

Please note: The poll location for Washingtonian Woods residents is new this year:  Our polling location is at the Crown Clubhouse in Crown Farm.

Washingtonian Woods Poll Location
Crown Clubhouse
803 Crown Park Avenue
Gaithersburg, MD 20878

Fall Loose Leaf Collection
Fall loose leaf collection is now underway for single family and townhouse owners. Place your leaves at the street curb by 7 a.m. on your regular recycling day. Note that leaves placed in alleys or mews will not be collected. The weekly collection continues through the last week of December, weather permitting. Any time during the year you can bag your leaves in biodegradable brown bags and leave them curbside with your other recyclables.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

2017 Halloween House Decorating Contest Winners

Hello Neighbors,

Thank you to everyone that made it out to Fall Fest yesterday. And, kudos to the Social Committee for executing an unbelievable “Plan B” due to the weather. We hope you all enjoyed the games, prizes, BBQ, Hotel Transylvania and Trunk or Treating! Thank you, too, to all of the volunteers that helped make this annual event a success yet again. It couldn’t have been done without you.

Also, thank you to everyone who helped us continue the great Halloween spirit of Washingtonian Woods by decorating their houses this year!  This year the following winners were selected:

1st — 130 Upshire Circle
2nd — 126 Upshire Circle
3rd — 129 Upshire Circle

Honorable Mentions
Cutest Spooky — 7 Midsummer Court
Most Spooky Variety —  432 Upshire Circle
Most Dramatic (Tie) —   410 Midsummer Drive and 122 Upshire Circle
Best Spooky Court —  3, 4 and 8 Driscoll Court
Best “Old School” Spooky —  119 Canfield Hill
Most Multi-sensory/Musical —  110 Canfield Hill
Most Attention-grabbing — 410 Upshire Circle

If you haven’t yet already, feel free to check out all of the wonderfully decorated homes throughout the neighborhood tomorrow evening while trick-or-treating. Thank you again and we hope everyone has a happy and safe Halloween!

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Fall Festival Moved to Clubhouse | Costumes, Games, Music, Crafts, Candy | Redskins Game | Hotel Transylvania

Hello Neighbors,

On account of the rain forecast for Sunday, the Social Committee has moved the location of our neighborhood Fall Festival to the Clubhouse. Join us starting at 3pm for games, music, crafts and candy. Redskins Game, Hotel Transylvania and Branded 72 BBQ food truck all to follow.

What: Fall Festival
When: Sunday, October 29th, 3 pm
Where: Clubhouse

The Social Committee is still actively looking for plenty volunteers to help ensure this event’s success. Please take a moment to look at this Sign-up Genius to see how you can still help. It would be much appreciated!

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Fall Festival, Halloween Parade, Candy Hill & Redskins Game This Weekend

Hello Neighbors,

Just a reminder that the neighborhood Fall Festival, featuring Games, Halloween Parade and Candy Hill is this Sunday 10/29 at 3:00pm in Washingtonian Woods Park.

After the festivities we will be hosting the Redskins/Dallas game at the Clubhouse, along with Branded 72 Food Truck, and movie for the kids in the lower level of the clubhouse. All neighbors are encouraged to attend.

The Social Committee is still actively looking for plenty volunteers to help ensure this event’s success. Please take a moment to look at this Sign-up Genius to see how you can still help. It would be much appreciated!

More details on the event can be found here. Please be sure to visit for inclement weather updates.

House Decorating Contest
Also, judging for the House Decorating Contest will occur on Saturday evening 10/28. Please be sure to have your decorations up by 6:00pm.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Outdoor Movie Night this Saturday, 7pm | “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”

Hello Neighbors,

Our “Neighborhood Movie Night” series continues this Saturday night, October 21st, at Candy Hill (i.e the neighborhood sledding hill directly across the street from Washingtonian Woods Park located at 341 Upshire Circle.)

This week’s movie is:  “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”. Movie starts at 7pm.

More about Neighborhood Movie Night: On several weekend evenings in the Fall and Spring (when the weather is cool, yet comfortable) we plan to show outdoor movies on Candy Hill (341 Upshire Circle.) Neighbors are encouraged to bring jackets, blankets, pillows, snacks, bug spray, and any other items you wish to enjoy the show! Candy Hill has a natural grade and should allow good amphitheater-style viewing!

We have many new families in the neighborhood, please reach out to your new neighbors and invite them to join the fun. Hope to see you there!

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Fall Festival | Candy Hill | Costume Parade | House Decorating Contest | Redskins Game | Movie Night

Hello Neighbors,

Well, October is here and that means that Washingtonian Woods’ annual Halloween traditions are right around the corner!

Annual Washingtonian Woods Fall Festival
The Annual Washingtonian Woods Fall Festival will be held 
Sunday, October 29th @ 3pm at Washingtonian Woods Park.

Schedule of Events
– Games & Music @ 3:00 pm
– Costume Parade @ 4:00pm
– Candy Hill for 5th-8th graders @ 4:15pm
– Candy Hill for 4th grade & younger @ 4:30pm

Ready for more?  After Fall Fest, head to the Clubhouse to watch the Redskins play the Cowboys. Kids can hang downstairs for a special viewing of Hotel Transylvania! And, the Branded ’72 Pit Barbeque Food truck will be at the Clubhouse at 5:15pm serving food.

Volunteers Needed!
Calling all volunteers! We need your help! Please take a moment to look at our Sign-up Genius and sign up for slot.

As a reminder, this is a neighborhood-sponsored (not public) event. Visit our web site at for inclement weather event updates.

Halloween House Decorating Contest
Show your Halloween spirit and decorate your house for the annual Washingtonian Woods Halloween House Decorating Contest! Judging will begin at 6pm on Saturday, Oct. 28th. Winners announced on Sunday, October 29th – Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd.

Get B00-ed!
Keep the Halloween spirit going all season.  Feel free to Boo! someone (by leaving this flyer and a treat on a neighbor’s doorstep), or keep it going when you get Boo-ed!  You can download a Boo Buddy here.

We have many new families in the neighborhood, please reach out to your new neighbors and invite them to join the fun. Hope to see you there! Happy Halloween!

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Outdoor Movie Night this Saturday, 7pm | “E.T. – The Extra Terrestrial”

Hello Neighbors,

Our new “Neighborhood Movie Night” series starts this Saturday night, October 7th, at Candy Hill (i.e the neighborhood sledding hill directly across the street from Washingtonian Woods Park located at 341 Upshire Circle.)

This week’s movie is:  “E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial”. Movie starts at 7pm.

More about Neighborhood Movie Night: On several weekend evenings in the Fall and Spring (when the weather is cool, yet comfortable) we plan to show outdoor movies on Candy Hill (341 Upshire Circle.) Neighbors are encouraged to bring blankets, pillows, snacks, bug spray, and any other items you wish to enjoy the show! Candy Hill has a natural grade and should allow good amphitheater-style viewing!

We have many new families in the neighborhood, please reach out to your new neighbors and invite them to join the fun. Hope to see you there!

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Save the Dates! | Movie Nights | Fall Fest | Halloween Parade | Candy Hill

Hello Neighbors,

Please mark your calendars for the following Fall neighborhood activities.

New this year is our new “Movie Night” series at Candy Hill! On several weekend evenings in the Fall and Spring (when the weather is cool, yet comfortable) we plan to show outdoor movies on Candy Hill. Neighbors are encouraged to bring blankets, pillows, snacks and any other items you wish to enjoy the show!

Movie Nights @ Candy Hill
Saturday, October 7th, 7pm:  “E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial”
Saturday, November 11th, 7pm: “Star Wars”

Fall Fest, Halloween Parade & Candy Hill
Sunday, October 29th

More specifics will follow as we get closer to each event. In the meantime, help spread the word and mark your calendars!

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA