Author Archives: admin

Derby Party | Movie Night | Meet & Greet | Pool Passes

Kentucky Derby Party | This Saturday at the Clubhouse
Adults!! Join us for the 2nd Annual Derby Party (this year, Cinco de Derby!) at the upper clubhouse from 6pm – 10:30 pm. Tacos & fixings will be supplied from Sin & Grin Kentlands, please plan to bring a side/app or dessert to share.

Also, if you are up for some friendly wagers on the Derby & other games, plan to bring $1s. BYO libations. And don’t forget your derby/cinco attire! See you Saturday!

Neighborhood Movie Night | This Friday Night
“May the 4th be with you!” Our “Neighborhood Movie Night” series continues this Friday night, May the 4th, at Candy Hill (i.e the neighborhood sledding hill directly across the street from Washingtonian Woods Park located at 341 Upshire Circle.)

This week’s movie is: “Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope”. Movie starts at 7pm.

More about Neighborhood Movie Night: On several weekend evenings in the Fall and Spring (when the weather is cool, yet comfortable) we plan to show outdoor movies on Candy Hill (341 Upshire Circle.) Neighbors are encouraged to bring jackets, blankets, pillows, snacks, bug spray, and any other items you wish to enjoy the show! Candy Hill has a natural grade and should allow good amphitheater-style viewing!

We have many new families in the neighborhood, please reach out to your new neighbors and invite them to join the fun. Hope to see you there!

Candidate Meet & Greet: Sidney Katz and Marc Elrich | May 20th at the Clubhouse
This is not a fundraiser, but an opportunity to meet two candidates for County office who are friends of a more Sensible CCT — one that does not block entrances to our neighborhood and does not impact the homes on Upshire Circle.

The event is very informal. RSVP is preferred, but people can just stop by on their way to and from the day’s other activities. You can learn more about this event here.

Pool Pass Applications
If you haven’t already done so, please take a moment to complete your 2018 Pool Pass application and return to Tim Mulford at PMP no later than Friday, May 11th to ensure that you and your family will be able to access the pool on Opening Day.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Notice of Rescheduled April 2018 Board Meeting

Notice of Rescheduled April 2018 Board Meeting
All homeowners please be advised that our April 2018 Board meeting has been rescheduled. The meeting has been rescheduled from Tuesday, 4/24 to Tuesday, 5/1 at 7pm. The meeting will still take place in the upper level of the Clubhouse.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Notice of Street Construction (Midsummer Drive) | Reminder of Trash and Garbage Containers

Hello Neighbors,

Notice of Street Construction (Midsummer Drive)
The City of Gaithersburg Department of Public Works will conduct street reconstruction on Midsummer Drive. The work will consist of removal and replacement of deteriorated curb and sidewalk, and the resurfacing of existing pavement. The curb and sidewalk replacement is anticipated to begin the week of April 23, weather permitting, and will continue for approximately four weeks. The resurfacing portion of the project will follow.

“No Parking” signs will be posted at least 48 hours in advance of construction activity. These signs will be marked with the dates and times of the parking restrictions. If you plan to be away from your home for any length of time during this period, please make arrangements to have your vehicles parked off the street.

Reminder of Trash and Garbage Containers
All homeowners are reminded that as per Section 7.02 (e) of the Declaration of Covenants, all trash and garbage containers are to remain out of public view on all days other than scheduled collection days. All neighbors are encouraged to be mindful and supportive.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Notice of Rescheduled March 2018 Board Meeting

Notice of Rescheduled March 2018 Board Meeting
All homeowners please be advised that our March 2018 Board meeting has been rescheduled. The meeting has been rescheduled from Tuesday, 3/27 to Wednesday, 4/4 at 7pm. The meeting will still take place in the upper level of the Clubhouse.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Adult Happy Hour | March Madness | Small Cell Facilities | Washingtonian Woods Annual Park Cleanup | Loose Leaf Collection

Hello Neighbors,

Adult Happy Hour | March Madness
Friday, March 16th, 6:00pm
Clubhouse, Upper Level
Secure your babysitter and come join your neighbors at the clubhouse for an Adults Only Happy Hour on Friday, March 16th! Bring three $1 bills so we can play Left, Right Center or you can watch the first-round NCAA basketball games on either of the two TVs, as the tournament starts this weekend.

We plan to have wings as well as some small snacks and plenty of soda, water and a green St. Patty’s Day punch. You can also feel free to bring your own libations. We hope you can join us!

Small Cell Facilities – Call to Action
From the inGaithersburg Weekly Newsletter:
“Public testimony will be heard by the Finance Committee for Senate Bill 1188 on Tuesday, March 20 at 1 p.m. in the Miller Senate Office Building at 11 Bladen Street in Annapolis. As written, the bill represents a coordinated, national effort by the telecommunications industry to prevent public input and limit local government authority over the installation of small cell equipment and poles in the public right of way.

The City strongly opposes this legislation and is working to protect its residents’ voices regarding installation decisions to ensure that they work for the community, protect our neighborhoods and allow local government oversight. The City urges residents to contact committee members to express opposition. Download the letter template here and find more information here.”

Gaithersburg City Council Member, and Washingtonian Woods resident, Ryan Spiegel, has also posted about this topic recently in the Washingtonian Woods neighborhood private Facebook page. Feel free to log on and check it out.

Washingtonian Woods Annual Park Cleanup
Join the Muddy Branch Alliance in the annual cleanup on Saturday, April 14th from 9am – 12 pm. The Muddy Branch Alliance. a local non-profit watershed group, is helping the City of Gaithersburg with this clean-up as part of a larger clean-up of the Potomac River.

Participants will meet in the Washingtonian Woods Park (314 Upshire Circle) at 9:00 am, collect pickup sticks supplied by the City of Gaithersburg and bags supplied by the Alice Ferguson Foundation. Volunteers will head to various areas in the neighborhood and park that are in need of trash pickup.

SSL hours are available. Please contact Paul Hlavinka at [email protected] for information. You may also download the Flyer, here.

Spring Loose Leaf Collection
Spring Loose Leaf Collection for our neighborhood continues for the first two weeks in April. Please click here for more information.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Washingtonian Woods Super Bowl Party, Potluck & Chili Cookoff | 2018 Social Calendar

Hello Neighbors,

Mark Your Calendars!

Washingtonian Woods Super Bowl Party, Potluck and Chili Cook-off
Date: Sunday, February 4, 2018
Time: 6:00pm (kickoff at 6:30pm)
Location: Washingtonian Woods Clubhouse, Upper Level

What’s Provided: We will be providing plenty of ice, soda, water, plates, napkins, utensils and condiments for the chili. And 2 TVs to watch the commercials (and game)!

What to Bring: We ask that each family attending please bring a snack/ appetizer/ dessert to share, and any other food/beverages you want to have on hand for the game.

Feeling competitive? Bring a pot of chili – a prize will be awarded for the best one!

We hope to see you there!

2018 Washingtonian Woods Upcoming Social Events Calendar
(more details to follow as we near each event)

Super Bowl Party, February 4, 2018
New Neighbor Coffee, March 10, 2018
March Madness / Adult Happy Hour, March 16, 2018
Spring Outdoor Movie Nights, April & May
Kentucky Derby, May 5, 2018
Start of Summer Party, June 16, 2018
July 4th Pool Party and Neighborhood Parade, July 4, 2018
New Neighbor Coffee, August 18, 2018
End of Summer Pool Party, August 25, 2018
Labor Day Neighborhood Camp-Out, September 1, 2018
Pool Party & Adult Happy Hour, September 7, 2018
Fall Outdoor Movie Nights, Sept & Oct
Fall Fest, October 28, 2018
Washingtonian Woods Gives Back, November 25, 2018
Hanukkah Party & Firetruck, December, Date TBD

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Chanukah Fire Truck Parade @ Washingtonian Woods!

Hello Neighbors,

Annual Chanukah Fire Truck Parade
The Annual Chanukah Fire Truck Parade is scheduled for Wednesday, December 13th this year! The truck will make a stop at the Washingtonian Woods clubhouse at approximately 7:15 p.m.

The Washingtonian Woods Social Committee invites neighbors of all ages to join us for a Chanukah celebration at the clubhouse before the firetruck arrives! For those interested in joining beforehand, please plan to be at the Clubhouse by 6:30pm.

Hope to see to you all there for this always festive event!

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Save the Dates: Washingtonian Woods Holiday Gift Giving Program | Toddler Playdate

Hello Neighbors,

The Washingtonian Woods Social Committee would like to let you know about two upcoming neighborhood events:

Washingtonian Woods Holiday Gift Giving Program
Washingtonian Woods will be holding our first ever holiday gift giving program to benefit families in the City of Gaithersburg. We will be collecting unwrapped new toys (crafts, games, etc.) for children as well as items for teens. Please join us in the Upper Level of the Clubhouse on Sunday, November 26th for an Open House from 4pm – 6pm. We will collect donations and provide pizza, light fare and beverages. If you are unable to attend, but would still like to donate gifts, please click here for more details.

Date:  Sunday, November 26, 2017
Time:  4:00pm – 6:00pm
Where:  Washingtonian Woods Clubhouse, Upper Level
What to Bring:  Please click here for more details.

Toddler Playdate
Have a child under 5 and need to get them out of the house this winter? Come meet other toddler parents in the neighborhood and let your kid get their energy out at the same time at the Washingtonian Woods Winter Toddler Playdate sponsored by the social committee. We will have some coffee for the parents and bagels/juice for everyone.  Bring a toy/game to share with a new friend so we can all play together.  See you there!

Date:  Saturday, January 6, 2018
Time:  9:00am – 10:30am
Where:  Washingtonian Woods Clubhouse, Lower Level
What to Bring:  A toy or game to play, and your toddler

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

11/11 Neighborhood Movie Night Canceled

Hello Neighbors,

Unfortunately, due to the extremely cold weather forecasted for tomorrow evening and beyond our “Neighborhood Movie Night” showing of “Star Wars” has been canceled. We will resume our “Neighborhood Movie Night” series in the spring when the weather begins to warm up again.

More about Neighborhood Movie Night: On several weekend evenings in the Fall and Spring (when the weather is cool, yet comfortable) we plan to show outdoor movies on Candy Hill (341 Upshire Circle.) Neighbors are encouraged to bring jackets, blankets, pillows, snacks, bug spray, and any other items you wish to enjoy the show! Candy Hill has a natural grade and should allow good amphitheater-style viewing!

See you in the spring!

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

City of Gaithersburg Elections | Fall Loose Leaf Collection

Hello Neighbors,

Election Day – November 7
Cast your ballot for Mayor and two City Council Members on Tuesday, November 7. Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Click here for poll locations and candidate information. Preliminary results will be announced the night of the election (approximately 9 p.m.). The Gaithersburg Board of Supervisors of Elections will meet on November 8 to certify the results. Official results will be released November 9.

Please note: The poll location for Washingtonian Woods residents is new this year:  Our polling location is at the Crown Clubhouse in Crown Farm.

Washingtonian Woods Poll Location
Crown Clubhouse
803 Crown Park Avenue
Gaithersburg, MD 20878

Fall Loose Leaf Collection
Fall loose leaf collection is now underway for single family and townhouse owners. Place your leaves at the street curb by 7 a.m. on your regular recycling day. Note that leaves placed in alleys or mews will not be collected. The weekly collection continues through the last week of December, weather permitting. Any time during the year you can bag your leaves in biodegradable brown bags and leave them curbside with your other recyclables.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA