Author Archives: admin

Adult Fall Happy Hour Tonight!

Hello Neighbors,

Adult Fall Happy Hour
Friday September 21st from 7-10pm at the clubhouse.

Please join the social committee for an adults only happy hour tonight at the Clubhouse. We will provide appetizers including sushi, wings, cheese and mezze platters. The organizers are making a tasty mulled cider. We’ll have non-alcoholic mixers, please feel free to bring your own spirits and libations.

We’ll play Left Right Center about 9pm, bring singles (3 $1 bills) to play.

See you all there!

Fall Fest Kick-off and Planning Meeting
Also, please feel free to join the Social Committee on Monday, September 24, 7:30pm at the upper clubhouse for a kick-off meeting to start planning the Annual Neighborhood Fall Fest.  Adult refreshments and snacks provided.  We welcome new ideas and extra hands.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

1st Annual Labor Day Weekend Neighborhood Camp Out this Saturday!

Hello Neighbors,

Grab Your Graham Crackers – 1st Annual Labor Day Weekend Camp Out this Saturday*!
Help us kick-off a great tradition by joining friends and neighbors for the 1st annual Washingtonian Woods Camp Out this Saturday*, September 1st at the Washingtonian Woods Park at 341 Upshire Circle (next to big playground). Campsite setup will begin at 3:30 PM, first come/ first serve, and all gear will need to be clear by 11:00 AM on Sunday, September 2nd.

This will be a bring your own everything (BYOE) event…the HOA will provide the campsite, campfires, and use of port-o-pots for bathrooms. Due to City of Gaithersburg park restrictions, we will provide campfires across the street on HOA-owned property (i.e. Candy Hill).

Also, if camping please respect neighbors and fellow campers. Quiet time will start at 10:30pm.

*Weather permitting – please pay attention to weather forecasts and watch for updates from HOA. Storms are possible for this weekend. No rain date at this time.

**Trash in / Trash out event. Please help keep the park clean and plan to take out any trash you bring in.

Please help us spread the word, and we hope to see you all there. We hope that this will be the beginning of a great neighborhood tradition!

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

End of Summer Raft Party and Dive-In Movie! | Book of Life | Saturday, August 25th, 4pm until 10pm

Hello Neighbors,

WHAT:  Washingtonian Woods End of Summer Raft Party & Dive-In Movie
WHEN:  Saturday, August 25th, 4:00 pm – 10:00 pm

The Washingtonian Woods Social Committee is hosting the neighborhood’s annual End-of-Summer Pool Party and Dive-In Movie at the Club House this Saturday, August 25th. The party will begin at 4pm. The Social Committee/HOA is providing pizza, soda, water, and juice boxes from 5:00pm to 6:30pm, and then Jean Bullock will host an ice cream bar at 6:30pm. Coolers are permitted (no glass), and rafts/pool floats will also be allowed for the duration of the party.

Once the sun goes down we will be showing the “Book of Life” on the big movie screen. Feel free to float on your rafts and enjoy the show!

Volunteers Needed
We do need a few volunteers to make this party a success. Please consider donating 30-60 minutes of your time for set up, serving food, or clean-up, and sign up here to help.

Please help us spread the word, and we hope to see you all there!

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

New Neighbor Coffee This Saturday | Save the Dates!

Hello Neighbors,

New Neighbor Coffee
Saturday, August 18th from 9am – 11am!
Clubhouse, Upper Level

Are you new(ish) to Washingtonian Woods? Please come join us for a Welcome Coffee on Saturday, August 18th from 9 -11 am! The entire neighborhood is welcome and encouraged to stop by and introduce yourself to those who have joined us in 2018!

Family friendly, coffee, juice, water, bagels and fruit will be provided.

Upcoming Save The Dates
More to follow on each, as dates get closer:

  • End of Summer Pool Party, August 25, 2018
  • Labor Day Neighborhood Camp-Out, September 1, 2018
  • Adult Pool Party & Happy Hour, September 7, 2018

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

2018-2019 Neighborhood Directory

Hello Neighbors,

We are in the final stages of preparing the 2018-2019 edition of our Community Directory.  The directory will be printed and distributed in September 2018, and will once again be produced by AtoZ Directories.

We also ask that all residents log into their AtoZ Online Directory accounts and update their contact information to their liking.  All account updates made prior to Wednesday, August 22nd will be incorporated into the printed version of the 2018-2019 Directory.

To login to your Online Directory account, please go to this link:

If you don’t remember your login, you may click on the “Forgot Password” link on the login page above.  For those residents who have not yet received a login, you may request one by sending an email to [email protected].  Please include your name and home street address in your login request.

The directory is produced at no-cost to the Association, but rather is completely funded by advertising.  That said, we have asked that AtoZ Directories give our own residents the first chance to advertise, before they begin selling ad placements to businesses outside the neighborhood.

If you are interested in promoting your business to your neighbors in this year’s directory, please reach out directly to Jennifer Thompson, Director of Advertising at AtoZ Directories. Jennifer can be reached at: [email protected].

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Street Construction Update on Midsummer Drive

Hello Neighbors,

Street Construction Update on Midsummer Drive
The City of Gaithersburg Department of Public Works will conduct paving operations on Midsummer Drive beginning Tuesday, July 24, 2018, and will continue for approximately three days, weather permitting.

“No Parking” signs will be posted at least 48 hours in advance of construction activity. These signs will be marked with the dates and times of the parking restrictions. If you plan to be away from your home for any length of time during this period, please make arrangements to have your vehicles parked off the street.

Work will take place on weekdays between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. For more information and status updates please visit or contact the Department of Public Works at 301-258-6370 or e-mail [email protected].

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Extended Pool Hours | Neighborhood 4th of July Celebration Video

Hello Neighbors,

Extended Pool Hours
The Board of Directors is pleased to announce that for the remainder of the 2018 pool season the pool will remain open until 9pm on Friday and Saturday evenings! This modified schedule will start tomorrow, Friday July 6th. If this modified schedule is well received, the Board will consider making it a permanent addition for future seasons.

Neighborhood 4th of July Celebration Video
Thank you to all that came out and enjoyed the 2nd Annual Washingtonian Woods 4th of July festivities! A huge shout out to Marcie Blackman, Rhonda Haley, Kelley Bennett, Tina Winters, Jen Simon, Kim Mlynarski, the Social Committee, and everyone else who volunteered to make the day such a wonderful success.

For all those you attended, and for all those who missed, neighborhood resident, Tung Tu, has put together an awesome video of the day. Please feel free to click here and check it out!

This Week’s Recycling and Bulk Pickup
Just a reminder that this week’s recycling pickup has been rescheduled to this Saturday, July 7th due to the 4th of July holiday. Additionally, July’s monthly bulk pickup has been rescheduled to Wednesday, July 11, 2018.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

4th of July Parade | July Recycling & Bulk Pickup | Splash for Cash

Hello Neighbors,

Neighborhood 4th of July Parade, BBQ and Pool Party
Just a friendly reminder that the our neighborhood 4th of July Parade, BBQ and Pool Party, is tomorrow!

  1. The festivities start at 11am and continue until 4pm. Please click here for our full Schedule of Events.
  2. We are asking that families bring a side dish to share at the BBQ. The HOA will be providing burgers, dogs, sodas and desserts.
  3. A few volunteers are still needed. Please check out our sign-up genius and consider filling an empty slot. All help is greatly appreciated and will help ensure a successful event.
  4. This year’s parade route will start again at the Tot Lot near Upshire Circle and Driscoll Way, however this year the parade will mostly run along Midsummer Drive. If you happen to live along the 300, 400, and 500 blocks of Midsummer Drive, we kindly ask that you avoid on-street parking during the parade window of 11am – 12 noon, if possible. Please see below for this year’s parade route.

July Recycling & Bulk Pickup
The collection of recycled materials for residents whose regular recycling day is Wednesday, July 4, 2018, will take place on the following Saturday, July 7. This includes newspaper, mixed paper, corrugated cardboard, and commingled materials, as well as brush, branches, grass clippings, leaves and other yard trimmings, picked up by the City’s recycling contractor. Bulk pick up items will be collected the following Wednesday, July 11, 2018, for those whose bulk pick up day falls on July 4.

Swim Team “Splash-for-Cash” | Therapy Dogs at Pool
The 2nd Annual Washingtonian Woods Waves swim team “Splash for Cash” swim-a-thon is coming up next week. The beneficiary of this year’s proceeds is a non-profit organization called People Animals Love. The Board would like to let all residents know that the swim team will educating the swimmers and parents on the organization and the benefits of therapy dogs by having a few trained therapy dogs at the pool during afternoon swim practice on Thursday 7/5, and morning swim practice on Friday, 7/6. The dogs will be supervised at all times by trained staff, and will be confined to designated grassy areas.  If you are interested in learning more about the event, you can do so here:

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Gaithersburg SummerFest and Fireworks Tonight! | Neighborhood 4th of July Parade, Wednesday July 4th

Hello Neighbors,

Neighborhood 4th of July Parade, BBQ and Pool Party, this Wednesday July 4th
Just a friendly reminder that the our neighborhood 4th of July Parade, BBQ and Pool Party, will be held on Wednesday, July 4th!

Here is the quick run-down:

  1. The festivities start at 11am and continue until 4pm. Please click here for our full Schedule of Events.
  2. We are asking that families bring a side dish to share at the BBQ. The HOA will be providing burgers, dogs, sodas and desserts.
  3. A few volunteers are still needed. Please check out our sign-up genius and consider filling an empty slot. All help is greatly appreciated and will help ensure a successful event.
  4. This year’s parade route will start again at the Tot Lot near Upshire Circle and Driscoll Way, however this year the parade will mostly run along Midsummer Drive. If you happen to live along the 300, 400, and 500 blocks of Midsummer Drive, we kindly ask that you avoid on-street parking during the parade window of 11am – 12 noon, if possible. Please see below for this year’s parade route.


Gaithersburg SummerFest and Fireworks Tonight!
Join family and friends for SummerFest on SATURDAY, JUNE 30 from 5 to 11:30 p.m. at Bohrer Park at Summit Hall Farm. Admission is free.

Live Music
SummerFest kicks off at 5 p.m. with The After Party Experience, a dynamic and energetic band featuring some of the region’s most talented singers and musicians paired up with an on-stage DJ. Enjoy rock, pop, country, soul, R&B, hip hop, jazz, Motown, and current hits right up until the fireworks begin. Stay for an encore performance during the SummerGlo After Party.

Food & Beer
Sample local craft brews at the SummerFest TapHouse and snack on festival foods and treats throughout the park. Check out featured vendors and breweries

Enjoy strolling entertainers, inflatable amusements, a dual-lane zip line, kid’s activities, face painting, aerialists, balloon twisting, volleyball, field games, community talent groups, chalk art, and a photo booth. Most activities are free. It’s predicted to be a hot one on Saturday. The Activity Center will be open as a cooling center, with indoor activities, crafts, and a DJ.

Once the sun sets (approximately 9:30 p.m.), a spectacular fireworks display with light up the night with bursts that launch up to 500 feet in amazing colors and styles. Optimal viewing areas are at Bohrer Park and at several points in surrounding locations. A map identifying best viewing spots is available here.

SummerGlo After Party
Stay late and avoid the traffic! Following the fireworks, The After Party Experience will treat the crowd to an encore performance while LED hoopers, jugglers, stilt walkers and glow balloons entertain the crowd until 11:30 p.m. The playground will be fully lit, and there will be glow-in-the dark items and food for purchase.

Full event details can be found here.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA

Reminder: Neighborhood Seminar Tonight at the Clubhouse — Civilian Response to an Active Shooter Event

Hello Neighbors,

Civilian Response to an Active Shooter Event
Sunday June 24, 2018 at 7pm
Washingtonian Woods Upper Clubhouse

This is a friendly reminder to all interested neighbors that the Washingtonian Woods Social Committee will be hosting a discussion/presentation with Officer Dan Lane of the Gaithersburg Police Department this evening on Civilian Response to an Active Shooter Event (CRASE).

Have you been concerned by the school shootings lately? Do you worry about what you would do if you were faced with a situation where a gunman was in your office/shopping center/sporting event?

We will be discussing: what are your options, what can you expect and what will the response be. Please join your neighbors at this social committee sponsored event. Spread the word. Tell a neighbor to join you!

Adults only please.

Thank you,
Glenn Watts
Board of Directors, Washingtonian Woods HOA